Chapter 343 Please Call Me Anonymous Old Man
"I'm not worried, because you will definitely find it for me!" The old man smiled like a little fox.

"Where do you have the confidence!" Nalan Yue twitched her mouth, she seemed to say that you are overthinking, old man.

The old man was not angry, but smiled, "In other words, you are now the master of the illusion, and you must help me find the other half of my soul no matter what! Otherwise..."

Nalan Yue looked at him with a half-smile, and folded her arms, "Otherwise what will happen?"

"Otherwise...otherwise, alas, it doesn't matter anyway", the old man played a rogue while talking, "You little girl must help me find my soul back!"

Huh~ If his soul became like this, the culprit is this little witch in front of him!

Nalan Yue: "..." Can you be a little naive?

"Okay, let's think about it when I'm in a good mood!" Nalan Yue said obeisance to him, and then walked towards the closed door.

Forget it, for the sake of helping her before this old grandpa, I will help him pay attention to his other half of the soul!

Grandpa: "..." When are you in a good mood?

Facing the door, Nalan Yue subconsciously pushed - but the door didn't move at all!
Uh... my sister is the master now, a small break is still a mess!

Innocent Gate: "..." Your posture is wrong!

Well, it seems that you still have to use your mind, as the old man said before, use your mind!

Nalan Yue placed her hand on the door again, and meditated quietly: Open!

Immediately, the pale golden door that was originally closed was suddenly opened, and Nalan Yue smiled knowingly, and walked in.

Sure enough, no matter what you do, once you take the leading position, that's the best!

The old man in the soul state behind him returned to his smiling state, and leisurely followed beside Nalan Yue, oh no, he floated beside her.

On the way to the seventh gate, Nalan Yue asked the old man beside him, "Well, do you have a name?"

This can't always be the grandfather, the old man's shouting!

Who would have thought that the old man stroked his beard and thought for a long time, but finally said, "Well, I seem to have forgotten my name!"

Nalan Yue: "..." This memory is really good!
"The lost other half of my soul also caused me to lose a lot of memory." The old man's faint and slightly sad voice was contrary to his image of an old urchin.

"I didn't say I won't help you find it!" Nalan Yue frowned slightly, well, she hated seeing the old man like this the most!
Isn't it just losing a soul, Sister Bao's body!

The old man seemed to change his face in an instant, and immediately the rain cleared, with a touch of surprise, "Really? That's great... That's great, hey!"

Nalan Yue was speechless, she definitely had reason to believe that the old man was just pretending!

"I also forgot my name, so please call me the unknown old man!" The old man floated in front of Nalan Yue with a smile on his face, like an autumn chrysanthemum.

Nalan Yue nodded to him, walked around him and continued to the seventh door.

——Yemen God Dividing Line——

At the same time, on the peak of the snow-capped mountain, Meng Luofengchu and the others were still searching desperately, almost turning the entire snow-capped mountain over!

Unfortunately, Nalan Yue was still not found!

Seeing that the sun has set in the west, the setting sun is like fire, reflecting on the snow-capped mountains, it is indescribably colorful.

But now no one is in the mood to watch it. Everyone knows that the day is coming to an end, and the night will bring great trouble to the search.

More importantly, the first round of the Imperial City Tournament is coming to an end, and tomorrow is the last day!
(End of this chapter)

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