Chapter 344 The Night God Is Coming

If the person hadn't appeared at that time, it would be an act of abstention...

Feng Chu rushed over and grabbed Meng Luo's sleeve, with a little scarlet in the corner of his eyes, "How about it, did you find it?"

Meng Luo also shook his head anxiously.

The hope in Feng Chu's eyes was shattered bit by bit, and he let go of his sleeves.

It's really over now!

After searching for so long, there is no news of Xiaoyue'er's sister-in-law. I'm afraid it's more ominous...

If Ye Jin knew, then...

Immediately, Feng Chu and Meng Luo couldn't help shivering, and looked at each other with helplessness and worry.

Meng Luo pondered for a moment, then said to Feng Chu, "Let's do this first, I'll go to the mountain to the south to find the quest item for Xiaoyue'er's sister-in-law, and you and the left and right guardians will stay here and continue to look for it!"

Otherwise, even if Nalan Yue is found, there is no time to complete the task!
"Okay." Feng Chu nodded heavily, but then frowned again, "But we don't even know what a world of ice and snow looks like!"

Meng Luo looked into the distance and sighed slightly, "It's just a chance!"

Over there, the two guardians on the left and right rushed forward in unison, holding fists together, "Bosses, do you want to call out the eighteen generals of Shura to look for them?"

Each of the eighteen Shura generals is the most outstanding assassin in the Shura Temple, and also the most feared eighteen generals on the mainland!

"This..." Feng Chu and Meng Luo looked at each other again. After all, they are not hall masters and have no direct right to make decisions.

The most important thing is that Shura Eighteenth General has always been hidden, if this time...

Just when the two were still hesitating, a cold and bloodthirsty voice came from behind——

"Immediately summon the Eighteen Asura Generals, even if we search the entire snow-capped mountain, we must find Yue'er!"

The calmer the sound, the more oppressive, tense, and suffocating it is before the rainstorm!

Several people all turned their heads to look at the source of the sound, with expressions of panic and guilt.

Ye Jin hurried over, her eyebrows and hair were covered with snowflakes, making her even more handsome, like a male god walking from an ink painting.

The icy and oppressive aura around him was even colder than this entire snow mountain!
The little brats couldn't help being stunned, even Xiao Mengmeng, the Nine-Tailed Fox, didn't dare to blink anymore.

Woohoo, it's scary!
Ye Jin glanced over with displeased cold eyes, and landed on the left and right guardians.

The guardians on the left and right immediately shuddered, and when they came to their senses, they half-kneeled on the ground, "It's because of my negligence in duty that I failed to protect the future princess. This subordinate immediately summoned the Eighteen Asura Generals!"

Immediately afterwards, the two protectors on the left and right quickly moved aside, and contacted Shura Hall quickly, not daring to delay even a second!

Ye Jin summoned her contracted beast again - a cute little pink dragon.

Put it on the ground with a cold face, "You go find it too!"

Xiaofenlong's chubby body rolled around on the ground, got up wobbly, and said cutely, "Wow, isn't that pretty sister! Don't worry, I will definitely find it!"

The little pink dragon bouncingly patted the two little dragon's paws, and then it was like an arrow from a bow—"Swoosh!" It ran away with a sound!

And here, Feng Chu and Meng Luo are like eggplants in a double fight, saying in unison, "Yejiu, we failed to protect well..."

Ye Jin glanced at the two of them indifferently, raised her hand to stop their words, and asked without any warmth, "Use the most concise language to tell the whole thing about Yue'er's disappearance!"

His words were obviously cold and without warmth, but when he said the word "Yue'er", his voice slowed down significantly, with a touch of tenderness.

(End of this chapter)

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