Chapter 350

Nalan Yue's gaze fell on the miniature castle, her eyes widened uncontrollably, and a thought came to her mind, could this be the real appearance of the illusion?

At this time, the voice of the unknown old man suddenly came from the small castle, "This is an illusion, what's all the fuss about!"

"The illusions condensed by each person have different postures, and they all depend on their own consciousness!"

Nalan Moon "...".

Of course, there is no fuss, this castle is clearly something only in fairy tales!
That's right, anyway, the people who condense the illusion are all transmigrated, so there is nothing to be curious about condensing this!
Nalan Yue thought about it and didn't go into it further.

The voice of the unknown old man came again from inside the miniature castle, "Hurry up and put the illusion into the phoenix bracelet, little girl!"

Nalan Yue responded, stuffing the miniature castle in his hand into the space bracelet.

The miniature version of the castle instantly magnifies in the space bracelet, and stands in an open space in the space bracelet with a bright golden color.

Looking around, it looks like a castle in a fairy tale.

The little fellows of Little Phoenix were immediately dumbfounded, wow, the illusion is a big castle!
Grab the room and go!Whoosh whoosh!Several little guys rushed into the fairy tale castle.

"Girl, I'm going to retreat, don't bother me unless it's in danger!" The unnamed old man's slightly tired voice came faintly, as if he would exhaust all his strength before he could say a single word.

Nalan Yue nodded, then turned her gaze back to the locator she had just taken out, and turned on the phone again.

Now there was a signal on the palm-sized screen, Nalan Yue's eyes were filled with joy, and he quickly sent Ye Jin a message.

Xiaoyue'er: "Everything is fine, Ye Nan God!"

Bai Bai turned on the locator again, only to find that Ye Jin was actually in the snow mountain at the moment, and judging from the contour lines and iceberg marks, Ye Jin should be on the previous snow mountain.

Nalan Yue pursed her lips hard, and sighed softly, it seems that the Ye Nan God already knew that there was nothing wrong with her.

——Yemen God Dividing Line——

Here, Ye Jin, who was still looking for Nalan Yue, suddenly heard a sound from the locator.

A gleam of joy flashed across his phoenix eyes, you must know that the only friend he has added so far is Xiaoyue'er!

Quickly turn on the locator and click on the message just received——Xiao Yue'er: "Everything is fine, Ye Nan God!"

Ye Jin's furious and scarlet eyes instantly faded a lot, and he quickly typed a few words, "Wait for me!"

His words were short, but full of warmth and irresistible firmness!
Ye Jin's slender fingers clicked on the location icon again to confirm Nalan Yue's current location.

Immediately afterwards everyone was recruited, although the voice was colder than before, "Yue'er has been found, you go back first!"

There was a flash of joy in the left and right protectors, and immediately half-kneeled on the ground, leading Shura eighteen to leave quickly.

Feng Chu hurried over, panting heavily, "Where is Sister-in-Law Yue'er?"

Ye Jin glanced at him indifferently, turned around and walked towards the southernmost clone, and said, "South!"

Xiaoyue'er wait for me, I will definitely find you this time!
——Wife-loving night male god——

On the other end of the locator, Nalan Yue's eyes turned red as she looked at the message sent by Ye Jin.

Then send a "I'll wait for you!".

A kind of emotion spread from the bottom of my heart to my whole body. Even in the cold snow mountain, I can still feel warm like spring.

Love is so wonderful!
Nalan Yue smiled, put away the locator, and took out the snow mountain map sent by the National Teacher!
(End of this chapter)

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