Chapter 351 The Little Fairy
Nalan Yue smiled, put away the locator, and took out the snow mountain map sent by the National Teacher!
wipe!Just glanced at it, Nalan Yue was stunned!
What's the situation, the map actually shows the exact location of the "land of ice and snow".

Be very specific!

Yes, the map has been detailed at this moment, and the mountain where Nalan Yue is located is clearly drawn on the paper.

And the medicinal herb "ice and snow" is clearly marked on it.

Nalan Yue glanced at the map and compared it with her feet. Damn, it's true that the ice and snow herbs are near her feet.

Sweeping in place, Nalan Yue's clear eyes locked on the snow not far away, and she fixed her eyes, and she saw plants that were as transparent as ice cones!
That is "ice and snow"!
Wow, Kaka, before, she was wondering if her character would explode to the point that the map would cheat for her personally, but she never thought that her words would come true!

Nalan Yue hooked her lips, and her eyes shone with a sly gleam, she couldn't stop her when she had a good character!

Girl, if you say that, are you really not afraid of being beaten?

Nalan Yue: "..." Who dares to hit my sister!
He raised his footsteps towards Nalan Yue, and walked towards the "Ice and Snow Land".

She gathered the plush shawl on her shoulders, and the fluttering snowflakes fell all over her head.

Elegant and refined face, peerless temperament, and lake blue skirt are all over the world!

Nalan Yue walked there in a few steps, squatted down halfway in the snow, and swipe the snow with her fingers first, pulling the ice and snow out of the heavy snow.

More than a dozen icy and snowy trees stood upright on the snow, like a row of small ice cones.

A slight smile flashed across Nalan's face, and then he put on the special gloves, took out tools and took them off bit by bit.

The grass "ice and snow" is very delicate. Although the leaves look like ice picks, they are actually soft and watery, and they will be broken with a little force.

If it is broken, the efficacy of ice and snow medicine will be greatly reduced!
Soon, Nalan Yue picked out these dozens of icy and snowy herbs, and put them in a jade box to raise them carefully.

There are [-] trees in total. You don't need that many to pay the mission, so you can leave some.

But... Nalan Yue raised her eyes and thought for a while, anyway, it's still early in the morning, and she has to wait for Ye Nan, so she should look for more herbs.

There are no fewer treasures on the snow mountain than on land. Although there are many medicinal materials in the illusion, those are good for refining high-level pills, not suitable for large-scale refining.

Besides, there is a third medicine to be sent to the auction.

Thinking like this, Nalan Yue started to look for medicinal materials along the snow-capped mountains.

I don't know how long it took before Nalan Yue rubbed her sore eyes and stood up from the snow.

The space pharmacy was piled full again by her, but it's okay, our space has its own fresh-keeping function!

Nalan Yue blinked slightly, standing in the heavy snow.

At this time, there were more and more snowflakes, each one as beautiful as an elf, and at the same time, the temperature dropped sharply.

Nalan Yue gently stretched out her hand, and a crystal snowflake fell on her palm. Her pink lips were raised, her face was elegant and beautiful.

The surroundings seem to be in a painting, staying at this moment, only the smiling face of the woman.

Behind her, what Ye Jin just saw was her scene - a pure and innocent smile bloomed on Qingmei's face, like a child, gently holding the snowflake in her palm.

At that moment, Ye Jin only felt that something in her chest was also tightly grasped by the little goblin.

This little fairy is too hooked ~ human!
(End of this chapter)

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