Chapter 370 The Night God's Surprise
The veins on Nalan Yue's forehead bulged, and he wanted to slap him on the face.

But then, Nalan Yue suddenly laughed, looking at his lower body with contempt, "Are you sure you can do it?"

As he spoke, he glanced at him secretly. The man's gloomy handsome face was like a black cloud in a thunderstorm, oppressive and dangerous.

Damn, it seems that this time I really pissed off Ye Nan... Run!
Nalan Yue laughed dryly, put away the books on the table, and strode out the door.

In the study, Ye Jin stared at the girl who was running farther and farther with hatred and helplessness, Xiao Yue'er, after the golden light of your body protection disappears, let's see if you can do it!
hum!He is not happy!
——Aojiao Jin brought the dividing line——

In the carriage heading to the prime minister's mansion, Ye Jin stared at Nalan Yue sadly, wishing she could eat her in one bite.

Your sister, Nalan Yue complained a few words, closed his eyes, and let his sad little eyes go on for a long time...

It's just——suddenly, her waist tightened, and she fell into the embrace of a mint fragrance.

Nalan Yue opened her eyes, the clear pupils were like a spring, shining brightly.

What Ye Jin couldn't hold back the most was that she looked at him like this, little fairy!
Immediately, the thin red lips covered her lips, sucking her sweetness fiercely, as long as he touched a little, he felt that he was beyond cure!

Willing to drown in her tongue!
Nalan Yue: "..." My sister's saliva really can't drown you!
Soon, the carriage stopped, and the two of them separated slowly, their eyes sparkling.

Qingsi didn't know when it was wrapped around each other's lips, and the temperature of the already lingering air rose a few degrees in an instant.

Nalanyue's cheeks were blushing, she gently pushed him away, glared at him, bit her lip and got out of the carriage.

She said that the night male god is a goblin ~ one kiss is addictive!

"Yue'er." From behind, Ye Jin gently called her, with enchanting eyes, "There will be a surprise waiting for you tonight!"

surprise?Nalan Yue raised her eyebrows, but she didn't find any clues when she scanned his face. Anyway, she said it was a surprise, so it would be meaningless to ask.

Nalan Yue nodded to him, smiled, and walked towards the wolf's lair of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Ye Jin stood behind her all the time, a trace of distress flashed in her phoenix eyes, but he also understood that if she was so stubborn, she must hope that her enemy would die by her own hands, instead of relying on men for everything!

This girl is obviously surrounded by a man, but she insists on relying on her strength!
Ye Jin looked away, sighed softly, glanced at the unicorn and said, "Go to the suburbs!"

Maybe... She should feel better after seeing those!

——Romantic Male God Dividing Line——

Here, just as Nalan Yue entered the small courtyard and sat down, she poured herself a cup of tea to moisten her mouth, when she heard the little girl Lu'er running in in a panic.

"Miss, the prime minister wants you to go to the front hall!" Lu'er came in panting.

A woman followed slowly behind —— Zhou Guanshi, who is a heartfelt dog beside the eldest lady!
Nalan Yue glanced lightly at her, drinking her tea one after another, ignoring the person in front of her as nothing.

Seeing her "arrogant" look, Manager Zhou sneered, "Miss San, hurry to the front hall, or you will have something to eat!"

"Is there any good fruit to eat?" Nalan Yue gently put down the teacup, pretending to be puzzled, "Where is the good fruit?"

Manager Zhou was at a loss for words for a while, and couldn't answer.

Lu'er secretly pursed her lips and laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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