Chapter 371

"Is there any good fruit to eat?" Nalan Yue gently put down the teacup, pretending to be puzzled, "Where is the good fruit?"

Manager Zhou was at a loss for words for a while, and couldn't answer.

Lu'er secretly pursed her lips and laughed.

Manager Zhou's face sank obviously, and he stared at Nalanyue with unfriendly eyes, "Miss San, this is an order from the Prime Minister, if you don't go down, you can blame me!"

Nalan Yue immediately raised her hand, "Crack!" She slammed the table down and stood up.

Walking over coldly step by step, his expression was extremely cold.

She paused every word, speaking with great momentum, "I didn't know that you are just a dog, and you dare to call yourself me in front of your master?"

"Who gave your dog gall!"

The cold tone is matched with the indifferent expression, just like a queen!
Steward Zhou's face twitched suddenly, and he clenched his teeth secretly, a trace of fear actually appeared in his heart, but Madam said it's best not to face this little bastard head-on!

" wait and see!" Zhou Guanshi was unwilling but fled helplessly.

She was still a little panicked when she got out of this yard. When can a waste have such aura!
But this is also good, and it can help Madam sue her in front of Xiang Ye!

Manager Zhou smiled triumphantly, and walked quickly to the front hall.

lotus garden

Lu'er looked at her lady with big eyes, and asked weakly, "Miss, are you going to the front hall?"

Nalan Yue hooked her lips fearlessly, "Why don't you go, it's rare that some scumbags are sent to us to torture my sister!"

Lu'er's eyes widened, it turned out that my lady thought so...

Nalan Yue raised her feet and walked towards the front hall, her elegant face always had a smile that was not a smile, she was calm and steady, as if everything could not be more simple.


It was the rhythm of the three trial sessions again, and people from all walks of life came together, um, Li Yaoshi was also there.

It's really strange, the best of the family!Every time I have to torture her like this to extract a confession... How boring!

Pharmacist Li watched Nalan Yue approach and gave her a reassuring look.

Nalan Yue smiled and nodded to him, saying that she has nothing to be afraid of!

Over there, the condensed voice of Nalan Yuejue, who was in the first place, said without a trace of emotion, "Sinister, what have you been doing these days!"

When she first came in, she was scolded all over her head and face, and she was not even given a chance to explain.

Ruthless and indifferent, it really makes people feel cold in an instant!
It's a pity that Nalan Yue has already been disappointed in this scumbag, so she doesn't care anymore.

Li Yaoshi disliked the prime minister's attitude the most, and immediately retorted in a loud voice, "You..."

Nalan Yue thanked the old man and shook her head, then turned her face and looked at the scumbag father sarcastically, "I have done a lot of things, I don't know what the prime minister is referring to?"

"Otherwise, it's better to say it one by one!" Nalan Yue shrugged casually, as if he was chatting with an old friend whom he hadn't seen for many years.

"This girl just kept a pet, planted some flowers and plants, oh yes, she also broke a plate, and..."

Everyone: "..." They were speechless.

Li Yaoshi couldn't laugh or cry, why did this girl look like a different person since he left the customs that time.

Li Yaoshi naturally wouldn't know that it was that time that Nalan Yue crossed over, and the original owner had already died by the scumbag's sword!

Nalan Jue, who was at the top, stared at her with unkind eyes, "Who asked you this, you bitch, you still don't want to tell the truth, do you?"

(End of this chapter)

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