Chapter 372
Nalan Yue crossed her arms with both hands, her eyes were cold, and she asked loudly, "Instead of asking me to tell the truth, let me tell you what you want to hear!"

Her gaze was as cold as the moonlight, and she looked straight at the scumbag without fear.

Nalan was taken aback for a moment, and instantly felt a sense of humiliation of being exposed, and stared at her fiercely.

On the side, Nalan Yu has always been a caring little padded jacket, and immediately stepped forward and knelt in front of Nalan Juede.

Nalan Yulihua was raining, pitiful, her voice choked up, "Father, don't blame Third Sister, she, she definitely didn't do it on purpose!"

On the surface, it seems to be pleading, but in fact it is just adding fuel!

Nalanmo immediately snorted coldly, and a hint of cruelty flashed across his pretty handsome face, "If she hadn't angered King Jin, how could King Jin go crazy and do that..."

Nalan Yue laughed suddenly, for no other reason than being defeated by their shamelessness!

This is even more shameless than shameless!
With such a fierce fight in the backyard of a prime minister's mansion, wouldn't the palace be going crazy... I really want to give 32 likes to those crossing troops dressed as concubines and queens!
Then let them see if Nalan Yue is easy to bully!
"What did King Jin do?" Nalan Yue stood on the spot, her voice was indifferent, and her eyes were also extremely indifferent, as if she was just watching a farce that had nothing to do with her.

"Oh, you mean that King Jin threw you off the Royal Mansion like dogs?" Nalan Yue said with a long tail as if she just remembered.

As soon as the words were finished, everyone in the hall covered their mouths and laughed, and the maids and women all blushed.

People who didn't understand what happened at first understood it. It turned out that the eldest lady and the eldest young master were thrown out of the Royal Mansion by the cruel prince, but now they are venting their anger on the useless third lady!
Nalan Yu and Nalan Mo's noses almost crooked.

"Brave girl!" Nalan Jue, the first person on the table, slammed the table, and then looked at Li Yaoshi, "Li Yaoshi, you also saw this wicked girl uttering wild words, insulting my sister-in-law, and she must be served by family law!"

Yo, this time the scumbag father has learned a lot, a trace of sarcasm flashed across Nalan Yue's face.

Knowing that she was convicted by splashing dirty water first, and then even Li Yaoshi couldn't be too defensive!

It's a pity...he made a wrong Ruyi short game, and Li Yaoshi stood up suddenly, his beard trembling, "I saw a fart, let alone insulting my sister, so what if I set the whole prime minister's mansion on fire?" !”.

The old man's defense is almost unreasonable.

Wow Kaka, Second Grandpa likes it!Nalan Yue smiled knowingly, and a trace of warmth was suddenly injected into her cold heart.

In the space, Little Phoenix, Xiaobai and other little guys, blinking their big eyes, climbed to the window in the space and looked at the wonderful Zhaidou outside.

I can't help dancing, cheering for Li Yaoshi!

But—the faces of the people outside were all black with anger, and the top of their heads was almost covered with smoke.

Damn, don't wear such short guards!
The prime minister clenched his hands, took a deep breath, and swallowed it temporarily, there is no way that the status of a pharmacist is second only to the emperor!

Besides, if their Nalan family hadn't had Li Yaoshi here, how could they be prosperous today.

You know, there is a pharmacist, and there are countless people who come to flatter him.

Nalan's face was so black that it was about to drip ink, and his eyes stared at Nalan Yue again, "You don't have to worry about the truth about the matter that angered King Jin, but you have to explain the truth about the cheating in the Imperial City game. !"

(End of this chapter)

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