Chapter 381 The system is maxed out
Nalan Yue pointed to the title, and the page changed instantly, and the report about this matter also came out.

The following is filled with various comments, and everyone has a different opinion.

For example, the cat named Dou Xing said: Wow, the trash took No. 1, is it a fake or is it a pearl!Sister has read a lot of Zhai Dou's storybooks, maybe people are waiting for this day to shine!

This is still sane...

Then follow a group of people to discuss.

Little Yaoyao: It belongs to the top landlord!agree!
Fast crawling tortoise: I just want to say, you have a really rich imagination...

Big Sun: In my opinion, it is purely official cheating, and there are six stars!

Sunny: That's right, Murong Qing'er, our first-year genius boss, entered the academy as No.1, and she doesn't even have six stars yet!

The stealing cat said again: A group of parallel importers, if it is really cheating, how could the official put this news on the top, maybe it is waiting to scold you!Besides, who said that waste materials will be waste for a lifetime! !
The corner of Nalan Yue's mouth twitched, this "stealing cat" is definitely a rational fan!

Next, there was another group of people discussing, "Anyway, we have remembered this trash No. 1 called Nalan Yue!"

"That's right! That's right! Let's see how a piece of trash like her won the first place!"

"If she enters the academy, she will still be called our senior. I don't know if she is a girl, or if she looks good!"


Then there was a lot of shouting...

Nalan Yue will never know that her reputation is definitely more popular than she imagined!

Before even entering the campus, he became a man of great concern in Qinglong College!

"Bad girl!" Ye Jin didn't know when he touched her cheek, and stared at her sadly.

"Could it be that these things are as good-looking as this king!"

Nalan Yue: "..." This jealousy is too much!Even a small locator is jealous!
"Okay, good boy!" Nalan Yue raised her hand to touch his cheek.

Fingers are still swiping on the screen, as if playing with a smartphone!
Suddenly, she remembered the question she asked him before, and shook the locator in her hand, "Do you know who invented this thing?"

Ye Jin raised his eyebrows and shook his head, "This...not so clear!"

Nalan Yue pursed her lips, well, the line of sight fell on the locator again, and there was another news about the same time as Nalan Yue!
That is——the cruel prince turned into a beauty in anger, and beat innocent women in the street!
And it is also accompanied by a mosaic picture, um, the important three points are covered!

"This beauty is not talking about this girl again!" Nalan Yue touched her chin, revealing a sly smile.

Finger pointing on the screen, watching people's discussion.

Another stealing cat: This woman looks like she has a bad stomach, she said she should be punished by the cruel prince, but this Nalan Yue is too lucky, there is no regret in this life to have such a lover!
Little Yaoyao: I agree with the landlord, and I wish the lovers a happy marriage!
It is estimated that this "Little Yaoyao" must be a loyal fan of "Stealing Cat", she can be found everywhere!
There was another heated discussion, and the original hundreds of comments were turned into tens of thousands in an instant!

The two hottest letters in the tribe were maxed out that night. I heard that the whole system almost collapsed in the end. Fortunately, the technicians quickly repaired it!
However, even so, the tribe is already discussing in full swing...

(End of this chapter)

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