Chapter 382 The Miraculous Formula
"Okay, hurry up!" Nalan Yue angrily dragged him towards the door.

Your sister, if someone watched a man come out of his room this early in the morning... and then slept with her all night, even though he didn't do anything!
This will definitely be even hotter than the previous two news!
A trace of grievance flashed across Ye Jin's face, she quickly turned her face away, and kissed her forehead.

The voice was slightly hoarse, but extremely magnetic, "I will come to you in three days."

Nalan Yue nodded, pursed her lips, and showed him a smile as bright as summer flowers.

Ye Jin sniffed her neck a couple more times before letting go of her, and walked towards the door.

As soon as he opened the door and went out, he bumped into the little girl Lu'er.

Lu'er looked at this man who came out from her lady, and was so surprised that she almost swallowed an egg!

I wipe, what's the situation!
Ye Jin glanced at her lightly, then disappeared into the Prime Minister's residence twice without leaving a trace.

It was as if he had never been here!
Lu'er rubbed her eyes, thinking that she must have misread it, oh, it turned out to be an illusion!
Seeing her young lady standing by the door, Lu'er called out, "Miss?"

Nalan Yue nodded slightly to her, "Today's matter must be kept secret, I will retreat and don't disturb!"

With that said, he closed the door.

Only Lu'er was left in place, messy in a gust of wind... What's the secret?
Wait, Lu'er's eyes suddenly widened, which meant that the King Jin he saw before was really...really!
Wow, that means King Jin slept with his young lady, slept!

Miss Lu'er, there's nothing surprising about this, I'll tell you secretly...they were just chatting under the quilt, ha!
Lu'er: "..."

——Small moon dividing line——

Inside the space bracelet, Nalan Yue took out the Alchemy Moon Jue obtained from the illusion, and opened it with her fingers.

The languages ​​here are all ancient languages, but Nalan Yue can understand them all. The Alchemy Moon Art has a total of ten layers and thirty moves!

Nalan Yue glanced at it briefly, and suddenly felt that she had found a treasure. This was clearly a book about superpowers!

Mind reading, wall piercing, invisibility...there are all of them, but the formulas of each one are particularly esoteric and tongue-twisting!

The first step and the first type: super memory!

Perhaps it is because this is the simplest in the book, so the formula is not particularly difficult.

And long ago, she had memorized a little bit on the wall of the illusion, and now her memory is as fresh as ever.

Opening his mouth to read a few jerky and tongue-twisting formulas, he suddenly felt that his brain was spinning rapidly.

Immediately afterwards, Nalan Yue's eyes fell on the desk again, where the books brought from Ye Jin were piled up.

The whole table is full!

Now that she is practicing this formula, does it mean that her memory can be improved to a higher level than before?

But in fact, Nalan Yue never expected it to be like this...

Nalan Yue stretched out her hand, took a book on the table, opened it, and was about to browse through it at a glance.

At this time, a miraculous scene appeared - she didn't need to read the writing on the book, but seemed to run into her mind one by one.

And it can also automatically typeset ~ directly reflect all the contents of this book in her mind.

Nalanyue Pink Lips continued to recite the previous jerky and mouth-wrenching formulas, and the content of this book became more profound in her head, as if she was born to understand these!
This is simply amazing!

(End of this chapter)

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