Chapter 383 Cultivation Is Eating and Eating

Nalanyue Pink Lips continued to recite the previous jerky and mouth-wrenching formulas, and the content of this book became more profound in her head, as if she was born to understand these!
This is simply amazing!

With this book, it is equivalent to having a basket of super powers. From then on, Ma Ma no longer has to worry about getting a fantasy trip!

Cough cough... Just kidding!
But this discovery surprised Nalan Yue, and then she took the next book and repeated the previous action.

Now the formula can be memorized by her heart, so just open the book and let the knowledge jump into her mind.

In the end, the formula became more and more familiar. She could pick up a book without even opening it. The whole book was stored in her mind within a few seconds.

This is simply a must-have for scumbags!
And when Nalan Yue practiced this, she always had a feeling of familiarity, as if she had practiced it before.

The corners of Nalan Yue's mouth twitched, how could this be possible, she had never heard of Moon Alchemy in modern times!

However, although this kind of memory is fast, it consumes a lot of mental energy!

Soon, Nalan Yue felt that the spiritual power in her body was declining at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her head was throbbing with pain!
Sure enough, there are certain restrictions, otherwise there are no restrictions, wouldn't it be really against the sky!
Nalan Yue collected her thoughts, temporarily closed the Moon Refining Art, and it would not be too late to continue practicing after her mental strength recovered.

Looking at the few books left on the table, Nalan Yue directly memorized them at a glance.

In about half an hour, she finished reading a few books, oh no, she finished reading them!

In fact, she was really just flipping through the pages of the book.

No way, the brain is so capricious!
After memorizing all these books, Nalan Yue sat on the bed with her legs crossed, her eyes closed, and filtered the previous knowledge from her mind again.

The book she had memorized with the Alchemy Moon Jue was more memorable than the one she had just memorized, so Nalan Yue also chose to consolidate the knowledge she had read at a glance.

Soon, Nalan Yue opened her eyes, the sky was already approaching noon, it seemed that she memorized dozens of books in just one morning.

With strong knowledge, you can definitely pass the written test!

It's just... Regarding martial arts, her strength is really flawed!

Forget it, don't think about anything else, refining the essence of the magic crystal to improve your strength is the most important thing to do now!

Just before, there was a colorful heart lotus in the illusion, which can assist in refining the magic crystal.

Thinking of this, Nalan Yue didn't hesitate, and directly took out the colorful heart lotus, and then took out the essence of a magic crystal.

Sit cross-legged and enter the cultivation state.

Several little guys in the space are also working hard to cultivate, and the reason why they work so hard is because their master said that whoever is promoted first will have blood to drink!
For this reason, the little guys opened their bellies to eat, alas, it is undeniable that the beast is praise.

To practice is to eat, eat, and eat!

On the contrary, the nameless old man in the illusion has not made a sound since he entered the space that day, probably trying to mend his soul.

Three days passed quickly, like running water.

In the room, Nalan Yue was still maintaining a posture of cultivation, with sweat dripping from his forehead.

However, her good luck seemed to have disappeared for three days, and she was firmly stuck on the threshold of being promoted to a martial artist!
(End of this chapter)

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