Chapter 386 Admission Ticket
However, Nalan Yue pointed at the two of them speechlessly, "Students pretending to be scumbags will be struck by lightning!"

In other words, if you pretend to be b, you will be struck by lightning!Especially Xueba pretending to be b!

Tell me, one of them is the young master of the Feng family, the other is the heir of the Meng family, and they even say they are scumbags!

This is probably because even the scumbags don't believe it!
Feng Chu and Meng Luo immediately touched their noses, aww, why do all the friends they make have such poisonous mouths!
Every time is without dirty words and super ironic!
Ye Jin pulled Nalan Yue past the two bear children, ignoring them.

Feng Chu and Meng Luo, who stayed where they were, looked at each other.Both shrugged.

Damn, Ye Jiu ignores the two of them every long as Yueyue is there!
Sister paper ~ sister paper ~ come to my arms!
The two beautiful boys followed with sullen faces.

In the Royal Tournament Arena, compared to the preliminary round, the number of players in the second round was drastically reduced.

The original 3000 people are now only a handful of 300 people left!

That's a ten to one probability!
Ye Jin and Nalan Yue entered the arena slowly, and first went to the big screen to get the test number.

This time, there is no privilege of the nobility, and those who line up will be led in front of the big screen.

Seeing the brutal prince Ye Jin approaching, almost everyone took a step back and gave up their seats in the front row abruptly.

Especially the child shoe who was about to receive the exam certificate number, seeing Ye Jin walking towards this side, immediately gave up this time.

He took two deep steps back and almost fell down!

Seeing that Nalan Yue was almost drunk, buddy, don't be so scared!
Among them, the third prince was also there, nodding towards them with a smile.

Out of politeness, Nalan Yue also nodded slightly to him.

But he didn't expect that the jealous vat would be attracted again - Ye Jin snorted lightly, and his aloof eyes stopped on the third prince in displeasure.

What a joke, it's so pervasive!
Of course, I just stopped for a while, and then took it back.

He raised his feet and continued to walk side by side with Nalan Yue towards the big screen.

In the same place, the third prince: "...".

In front of the big screen, rows of numbers were displayed, which were the exam numbers for this time.

The elder in green is also presiding over the scene here. He always has a straight face and a serious look.

Ye Jin "..." This is the dean!
The elder in green stared at the two of them, and didn't ask for their names like the previous boy's shoes did. Nonsense, the names of these two people are on the hot search!

I pressed the button directly on the screen, and immediately two chapters of something similar to the admission ticket came out.

One is Nalan Yue's and the other is Ye Jin's!
"The examination room is at the very inside!" The green-clothed elder reminded them lightly, then shifted his gaze to the other children's shoes.

Ye Jin walked towards the examination room with Nalan Yue expressionlessly.

The brilliant sun, the blue sky, the green leaves, the entire Royal Tournament Arena is magnificent, comparable to several football fields!
While walking, Nalan Yue looked at the admission ticket in her hand, which marked some of her information, the information is as follows!

Name: Nalan Moon
Gender: Female
Exam Number: 001
Seat number: 01
Uh... this is almost the same as the exam in modern times!
The same is true for Ye Jin's admission ticket, except that his serial number and seat number are both 02.

Soon, the two found their own seats in the examination room. Nalan Yue sat first in the front row, and Ye Jin sat behind her.

The entire examination room was covered by an invisible semicircle, probably something like a protective cover.

(End of this chapter)

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