Chapter 387
As soon as I entered, I felt extremely cool, as if there was an air conditioner inside.

A gleam of light flashed across Nalan Yue's eyes, but she couldn't tell that this protective cover actually had this function!

At the same time, many candidates came one after another, and each of them looked different.

This scene is almost the same as that of ordinary entrance examinations!

Now there is still a while before the exam time, Nalan Yue didn't grind his guns like others, but turned his head and chatted with Ye Jin.

During this time, Feng Chu and Meng Luo also came and sat behind Ye Jin respectively.

Four people just formed a row.

"'s convenient to pass the answer like this!" Feng Chu narrowed her charming peach eyes, joking cheerfully, "Yueyue passed it to Yejiu, and Yejiu passed it on to me. As for Meng Luo Forget it!"

Nalan Yue: "..."

Ye Jin: "..." sb
Meng Luo: "..." big sb
Feng Chu immediately looked at the eyes of several people, "Hey, what are you looking at!"

Nalan Yue and the others simply didn't bother to pay attention to him.

At this moment, more and more examinees came by, and many people looked at them, especially Nalan Yue!
A sarcastic voice gradually sounded—"The waste really dares to take the written test, won't this really embarrass us Huaguo!"

"Even if she was lucky enough to pass the test last time, this time the test relies on hard knowledge. I think she may not even be able to read all the words!"

"What's a fluke? It's clearly the exam that Lord Jin helped her to complete last time. Let's see how she can get away with it this time!"


The first to take the lead here is Lan Xin'er's elder brother Lan Xuan, and a strange but gentle-looking man.

He is Luo Zhenzhen's elder brother Luo Hao.

How could a brother not be annoyed that his younger sister was made into that way by others!
Don't ask how these two people got together, there is a good saying - the enemy of an enemy is a friend!

Both of them are enemies of Nalan Yue!

Nalan Yue's eyes were like water, without any waves, instead the corners of her lips curled up in a sneer.

On the contrary, the temperature on Ye Jin's face dropped a little bit. If the weather was under his control, it would probably be snowing now.

Nalan Yue cast a calm look at him, and then looked at the few people gathered there, "It's understandable for someone who can't eat grapes and always says grapes are sour!"

Then the voice changed, with a hint of sarcasm, "Because he can't pick grapes at all!"

Immediately, some people covered their mouths and started laughing, which meant that they had no ability but complained, and envied others by the way!

Ye Jin's originally cold expression also showed a faint but doting smile, this little goblin's mouth is really poisonous!

Over there, Lan Xuan and Luo Hao's faces turned pale, they gritted their teeth and stared at Nalan Yue, "You..."

Just as he was about to quarrel with Nalan Yue, a serious voice sounded from the examination room, "Quiet! Everyone get to their seats now!"

Lan Xuan and Luo Hao glared at Nalan Yue, and walked back to their seats with great reluctance, but a sneer full of malice flashed across their eyes, obviously planning to see her make a fool of herself today!
It's just——suddenly, "Bang! Bang!" sounded twice, like the sound of something heavy falling to the ground.

Taking a closer look, it turned out that Lan Xuan and Luo Hao had a shit together!

Under the public!

I don't know how that posture fell, it was simply unsightly!

The two are superimposed on each other, um, lips leaning against lips, big eyes staring at small eyes, they are obviously shocked by each other!
(End of this chapter)

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