Chapter 388
The two are superimposed on each other, um, lips leaning against lips, big eyes staring at small eyes, they are obviously shocked by each other!
This... what's going on!

Damn, there must be a foundation for this posture.

The surroundings couldn't help being noisy... Of course, there are also whistlers, men and women, whoever is attacking and who is defending!
A brat like Fengchu who is afraid of chaos in the world immediately shouted, "Wow, who is attacking and who is defending, tsk tsk, I can't see that your brother who is a dignified leftover girl is actually a broken sleeve!"

He deliberately bit the word "leftover" to remind everyone that this "leftover" is not the other "holy"!
Meng Luo also sneered and came over to add insult to injury, "No wonder you look like a chrysanthemum every time I see you!"

"Haha..." There was a burst of laughter.

Even Nalan Yue couldn't help pursing her lips and laughing, why did she feel that all of them didn't have Meng Luo's poisonous tongue!
However, an adult, even a kid who has just entered kindergarten, will not fall down for no reason!

I'm afraid... Nalan Yue raised her eyes to look at Ye Jin who was beside her, her eyes rolled, it is estimated that his contribution is indispensable for this!

Ye Jin raised her lips with a smile, it was her default!
Nalan Yue: "..." It's too bad!

Over there, the elder in green couldn't just sit idly by, and glanced coldly at the two who were still lying on the ground, and said sharply, "Get up quickly, how decent is this!"

The two people who had already been stupefied glared at each other angrily, and immediately got up from each other.

Two pairs of angry eyes looked around, and finally fell on Ye Jin and Nalan Yue, probably only these two were the most suspicious!

So the two of them secretly settled this account on Nalan Yue's head again!
There is no way, the cruel prince dare not provoke him!
And you will never know why the cruel prince is so frightening... because... keep it secret!
And in the back, Nalan Yu and his brother and sister were sneering there, watching Nalan Yue gain another point of hatred for herself, they couldn't help feeling happy~!

Quack... After an innocuous episode, the exam is about to begin.

In the examination room, all three hundred candidates were present.

The elder in green swept across each candidate's face, then slowly turned and walked to the stage.

With a light cough, "I don't need to talk about the rules of the imperial city competition. Below are five invigilators on stage."

Then, everyone's eyes moved to the entrance, first of all, the mysterious and elegant Guo Shida wearing a silver mask!
Then came the Great Elder of Qinglong Academy, the two elders in Ziyi and Lanyi, and...the domain saint wearing a veil!
Damn, Nalan Yue couldn't help squinting her eyes, this bitch is also an invigilator?

Didn't you say that the realm doesn't care about the world at all, why can't you bear the loneliness now and want to have sex?

Most of the people in the examination room had the same idea as Nalan Yue, but many men thought like this - wow, my goddess is here, I must take the test hard!
Yes, the Saintess of the Realm is like a star in this continent, or something like a school belle!

However, wearing a thin veil with a mosquito net and dressing a little fairy-like, do you really think of yourself as a goddess?

It is estimated that the village flower is more or less... no, saying that the village flower is an insult to the village flower, it is like a flower!

When Nalan Yue looked at her, Lan Xin'er also looked at her.

The eyes exposed outside the veil of the mosquito net are charming, but when they look at her, there is always a flicker of light that flickers on and off.

(End of this chapter)

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