Chapter 390 Sleeping During the Exam
Hehe... Lan Xin'er had a playful smile on her lips, which was almost exactly the same as her brother Lan Xuan's before.

Sure enough, it's not that the whole family does not enter the house!

Now, the time for the exam is coming soon, the elder in green and the elder in blue are distributing the exam papers.

Three hundred examinees are formed into six rows, with fifty people in each row.

On the stage, the invigilators were not angry, but the mercenary next to him took a step forward and put the hourglass in his hand on the long table.

After the examination papers were distributed, Master Guoshi slightly opened his thin lips, "The examination begins!"

The voice mixed with this strong aura spread to the ears of each candidate, and at the same time reached the heart. The candidate who had a hippie smile suddenly became serious and wrote seriously.

The sand in the hourglass also flowed down bit by bit like running water.

Under the stage, Nalan Yue flattened the examination paper in his hand, which was no different from the various examination papers in modern times.

On the far left side of the test paper, you need to fill in your name, test card number and seat number.

Nalan Yue picked up the pen placed beside her and wrote in a "swipe".

After finishing writing her own message, Nalan Yue put down her pen and didn't write any more.

Glancing at the questions on the test paper, she immediately curled her lips. Most of the questions on it were the contents of the books she had read, but she needed her own supplements and generalizations.

Of course, it is impossible to simply ask you to write a book silently!
Nalan Yue rested her forehead with her hands and closed her eyes slightly. From the outsiders' eyes, Nalan Yue seemed to be sleeping at this moment.

Just like a scumbag, he slept for most of the time during the exam and wrote two random words at the end.

Anyway, in the eyes of others, Nalan Yue looks like this now.

There were shallow sarcasm and laughter around, and sure enough... this trash can't write anything at all!
On the stage, even the corners of Lan Xin'er's beautiful eyes were slightly raised, and a gleam of happiness flashed in her pupils like water.

In fact, Nalan Yue's brain at this time is rapidly calculating and summarizing, sorting out all the answers to the entire test paper in her mind.

The transparent arc-shaped enchantment, the bright sunlight reflects on it, refracting faint rainbow-like colors.

At the same time, it was also reflected on Nalan Yue's body, the halo seemed to wrap her around her, and the already white and translucent skin became more and more transparent.

Time passes by...

Exams are almost over...

And Nalan Yue's test paper is still blank...

Beside him, mocking, puzzled, and sarcastic smiles were intertwined, almost more dazzling than the sun's rays.

The people who saw the joke almost shouted out—come and see, the waste is about to hand in a blank paper, and now he is sleeping soundly!

From behind, Ye Jinjun's expression was calm, looking at her back with a bit of doting and confidence.

It seems that she is not worried at all about Nalan Yue not writing a single word...

But Fengchu and Meng Luo were in a hurry. Fengchu looked up at the invigilator on the observation platform, and then called softly, "Yueyue... the exam is almost over... I don't know if I have the answer..."

Meng Luo was a man of action, so he directly turned his contract beast Nine Fox Mengmeng into a small ant, let it crawl to Nalan Yue's feet, and passed the answer to her.

The little ant that turned into a fox crawled over unsteadily and cautiously.

In the end...he got right under Nalan Yue's skirt!

Immediately, Meng Luo sweated wildly!
Ye Jin: "..."

Feng Chu: "..." Wiping the sweat!
Mengmeng Nine-Tailed Fox crawled under the skirt, and then turned into a miniature fox, tugging at her skirt.

(End of this chapter)

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