Chapter 391

Fortunately, it was in the hem of the skirt, but no one saw it, or perhaps a black-bellied national teacher saw it...and chose to ignore it!

While Nalan Yue was running her brain rapidly, she was also able to absorb the surrounding sounds into her mind. As for the little fox under her skirt...

Nalan Yue was also speechless for a while!
However, the answers were almost sorted out, Nalan Yue suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the hourglass on the stage.

It is estimated that there is only less than 10 minutes.

The blue-clothed elder on the stage was already unhappy seeing Nalanyue, but now that he watched her sleep, he naturally didn't give him a good look.

Nalanyue chose to ignore him, and patted the annoying little fox at the bottom of her skirt. The little fox was instantly knocked down, tearfully twisting her skirt.

At this time, Nalan Yue had already picked up the pen, sat up straight, and wrote "Shu, Shua, Shua!" in the pen!

The speed with which she swiped the pen was so fast that she couldn't see clearly, but the way she held the pen was smooth and smooth, which was wonderful.

It's like drawing a picture instead of answering a question...

Everyone was stunned, and now they only had one thought, which was that this trash was afraid of handing in a blank paper and would be ashamed, so he wrote randomly!
Yes, it must be, otherwise who could be so fast!

Nalan Yue seemed to be in a no-man's land, in a state of no perception of everything around her, and the speed of writing was getting faster and faster.

The test paper on the left was written by her in 5 minutes, in neat and elegant lower case letters, and then the test questions on the right!

At this time, not only the examinees who were sitting, but also the invigilators on the stage were shocked. Could this be too fast!

Even if it is nonsense, it may not be able to reach this speed!
Lan Xin'er's pretty face covered with tulle also had a trace of suspicion, but she would never believe that Nalan Yue, a trash, could write!

I am afraid……

It's just that she was stalling for time, afraid of handing in a blank paper, so she did it!
Yes, it must be so!
Thinking of this, Lan Xin'er relaxed her heart, her smile was light but vicious.

Under the stage, Nalan Yue was still writing vigorously, Feng Chu and the two brats were astonished!
Didn’t you know how to write about sleeping in the beginning? What is this now... I dreamed that Zhou Gong gave advice?

Only Ye Jin was neither surprised nor happy, always in the attitude of being the only one who is the only one, and the victory is in his hands!
Because he knew... Xiaoyue'er herself was a miracle!
Nalan Yue's eyes were shining brightly, the tip of her nose was beaded with sweat, and there were some glittering and translucent colors in the sunlight.

The sand in the hourglass is halved again...

And Nalan Yue has already reached the last question...that is, the additional question, a total of [-] points!
On the blank paper in front of you, it says, "Please describe 'Illusion'!"

Nalan Yue's eyes widened suddenly, she put down the pen in her hand, what's wrong with the test, it's the illusion!
Are you sure it's not for give points?
But when the others saw Nalan Yue suddenly put down the pen, they thought it was because she finally couldn't write any more, and there were some contemptuous and disdainful voices around them!

"Quiet!" The quiet words of the Great Master silenced the examination room!

Nalanyue's heart moved, and she raised her eyes slightly to look at the National Teacher, but the National Teacher looked away arrogantly, but Nalanyue's sharp eyes still caught a little smile.

Suddenly, a strange thought came to Nalan Yue's heart... This, could it be that the Grand Master of the State Council helped her cheat!

But it's not right, how did the National Teacher know that she had been to the illusion!

So... it should be a coincidence!
(End of this chapter)

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