Chapter 392 Showing the Fox's Tail
No matter what, it's good to have this question specially come here to give points, so I raised my pen and continued to write the answer.

"Illusion is a place with illusions condensed by peerless powerhouses. Its shape is based on the thoughts of the condensed person..."

A few words fell on the examination paper.

Before finishing writing, a shadow was cast on the table, a pair of slender legs appeared on the ground, a delicate and gorgeous white robe, and a few viburnum flowers rolled at the tail of the robe.

Nalan Yue stopped her pen tip and looked in the direction. The silver mask shone with a dazzling light. It was the National Teacher!
Facing Shan's unfathomable eyes, his heart tightened suddenly. Could this national teacher... have found out that someone had passed the answer to her?

You must know that the little fox is still at the hem of his skirt!

It wasn't just Nalan Yue who was nervous, Feng Chu and Meng Luo were also sweating nervously behind their heads, and they were really going to be doomed now!

Nalan Yue stared at the Grand Master in silence...

Fengchu Meng Luo is preparing to surrender...

But at this moment, the national teacher suddenly looked away, took the chair from the stage... and sat beside Nalanyue!
Well, the old god is here, and I don't know what to do!
Nalan Moon "...".

Feng Chu Meng Luo "..." made a false alarm!
Now, the remaining few invigilators on the stage, seeing that most of the national teachers are sitting at the bottom, how dare they sit on the top!

Several people were about to come down from the stage in a hurry, the National Teacher made a gesture to them, and they immediately returned to their positions.

But after such a fuss, on the stage, Lan Xin'er rolled her eyes towards Nalan Yue, and then her eyes lit up, because...she saw a fox tail under Nalan Yue's skirt!
That's cheating... Even if she didn't cheat, she still has to give her a name of cheating!
Qinglong College has always been rigorous in its studies, and there are many people who testify that it must be someone who will not want to cheat...

Lan Xin'er lowered her long eyelashes, and flashed a sneer, trash, this time you hit the muzzle yourself!

Even the fox's tail... was exposed!

Exams are still in progress...

Now it's the end...

Many examinees also took their pens, some checked, some scratched their heads, some looked around... Anyway, they all had different expressions!
And Nalan Yue had already finished writing, she put down her pen and rested her chin with a calm face.

Only the national teacher wrinkled his brows, his gaze passed over Lan Xin'er inadvertently, his face turned cold...

Obviously he already knew Lan Xin'er's next move!

On the stage, Lan Xin'er got up suddenly, her eyes full of immortality were slightly stern, "My lord, the elders, what should I do if I find someone cheating?"

The Great Elder of Qinglong Academy gave her an angry look, "What else can I do? Naturally, I will be disqualified from the competition, and I will not be able to refer to it for life!"

"You dignified saint doesn't even know this bit of common sense!" Then, the old man snorted again and added.

"The Great Elder taught me that." Lan Xin'er's face was burning hot, but in order to maintain her kind image of a domain saint, she had to hold back her tone.

The elder snorted coldly.

Immediately afterwards, Lan Xin'er's voice changed, she spoke righteously, and a stern look flashed in her eyes, "Now I want to report someone cheating on the field!"

There was an uproar in the exam room... If you are caught cheating in this kind of exam, you will die!
Who is so bold!
(End of this chapter)

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