Chapter 395

Just when everyone thought that Ye Jin was keeping silent——he spoke, his deep voice drifted into everyone's ears with the wind, "What did this king see, and other brothers called me to follow?" You are unfamiliar."

"This king doesn't want my concubine to misunderstand... Please respect yourself!"

It was like this last time in the Devil's Forest... slap in the face, slap in the face thoroughly!
"Ye Jin!" On the table next to him, Lan Xuan clenched his fists in anger, and couldn't help shouting out!

And everyone present seemed to be able to hear the invisible but invisible slap on the face, as well as the sound of the saint's gnashing of teeth.

Many people mourned for her... It's not good to provoke anyone, but Prince Shura must be provoked!
Goddess, come and provoke us... We are willing both physically and mentally!

What a pity, what did their goddess do!

Lan Xin'er, this little flower, seems to have her own shameless system. Even if she is slapped in the face in such a public way, she still doesn't blush and doesn't beat her heart!
The face under the veil, the long eyelashes drooping down, looked so cute and pitiful, but she returned to normal in the blink of an eye!
Just looking at Nalan Yue's eyes became a little colder...

I saw Lan Xin'er's pitiful eyes, which seemed to be stained with dew, "Since you don't believe me so much, then please take a look under her skirt!"

The bottom of the skirt... Wow, everyone was in an uproar, and couldn't help showing malicious looks!
These gazes are like fine needles, even others can't help but shy away from them, but Nalan Yue has always sat calmly in his seat.

There was always a cold smile on the corner of his lips.

On the stage, Lan Xin'er was condescending, with an expression of winning.

The reason why she chose the words so clearly is to let people insult her with these eyes...

It's a pity, if the parties concerned express that they don't care, then the effect of this look will be greatly reduced!

Nalan Yue can ignore these gazes, but Ye Jin can't!
Standing up slowly, the ink-colored robe is like a thick night, and the tail of the robe is vented on the chair, and then falls, like a black cloud blown away by the wind!

Step by step, she approached Nalan Yue, but she still didn't raise her eyes to look at Lan Xin'er during the whole process.

As if in his eyes she was just a figure jumping around like a monkey or a clown!

Asking him to look up at her...that's an extremely disgusting thing!
Apparently, Lan Xin'er also realized this, her face was hot again, she secretly gritted her teeth to protect her dignity.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Ye Jin's actions at this moment again, obviously to prove to Nalan Yue whether there was a cheating little fox under her skirt!

How can this be... Lan Xin'er suddenly became anxious, but her face was still calm, "His Royal Highness Jin, men and women can't get close, and you are so precious, you should find a woman... Why don't you let her eldest sister come! "

"No, no problem." Nalanyu was overjoyed when she was named by the saintess, and hurriedly trotted over... courteously, and said to Ye Jin cautiously, "His Royal Highness King Jin, let me take a look for the third sister!"

To be honest, when she was thrown from the imperial city by Ye Jin that day, she still has lingering fears!

But Lan Xin'er praised her wit!

Here, Ye Jin had already walked in front of Nalan Yue, and when he heard Nalan Yu's voice, he immediately glanced over with cold eyes.

There was a trace of hostility rolling in the black eyes, and the displeasure was already obvious!

Nalan Yu was startled, and she didn't dare to speak any more. Although she wanted to see a joke, it didn't mean she was willing to risk her life just to read a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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