Chapter 396
Even Nalan Mei, who wanted to help Nalan Yue, sat down spinelessly after standing up just now.

There's no way... When King Jin got angry, his expression turned pale, oh no, it's even worse than this!
Similarly, no one on the court dared to say no.

What else does Lan Xin'er want to say...

Nalan Yue was also startled...

However, Ye Jin was already kneeling on one knee at Nalan Yue's feet, and her big and graceful hands had already reached into her skirt.

It's obviously such an obscene movement, but it's so natural for him...without any twist!
The bright sunshine, the scorching wind, the blue sky, white clouds and grass, as well as the sound of everyone's breathing... are all blocked at this moment!

Every pair of eyes stared wide at Ye Jin's hand, that kneeling posture!
At this time, no one cared whether Nalan Yue's skirt was cheating or not, they were deeply shocked by this posture!

There is an old saying, men have gold under their knees, kneeling, especially kneeling to a woman is the most shameful thing for them!

But... now they don't have such a feeling, maybe because the picture at this time is so beautiful.

The girls couldn't help being envious and jealous... Especially Lan Xin'er's eyeballs almost fell to the ground, she was deeply absolutely sure that she was stealing chickens and losing nothing!

Another slap in the face...

And Nalan Yue froze in place. Although Ye Jin did this before, there was no one there!

Now... why is it like the scene of the modern proposal, but the roses are missing!

It wasn't until the man's slightly warm fingers touched her ankle that she reacted unexpectedly... Cough cough, what were you thinking!

And over there, a reflective thing flashed past, accompanied by a "click".

Like a camera or something!

Nalan Yue couldn't help turning her head, but saw that the National Teacher University and the elders of Qinglong College were taking pictures of her and him with locators.

Oh, so the adults even play candid shots!
The Great Elder coughed twice, quickly shifted his gaze, and stroked his beard as if nothing had happened.

In fact...he is also a photographer!
As for the great master, he retracted the locator without haste, complaining in his heart, doesn't this damn old man know how to silence the sound when he makes something!

However, as strong as the face of the National Teacher, no, it's the mentality... It's simply too strong!
He took it back and looked at the photo at the same time - the breeze was blowing, and Nalan Yue saw the photo on the locator with sharp eyes.

In the photo, he and she are facing the sun sideways, the intoxicating brilliance and the colorful afterglow under the reflection envelop the two of them, the whole angle is so well chosen!
He knelt down on one knee, as if he was tying her shoelaces that she didn't have at all, and her hair was slightly raised, leaving a lingering arc in the air!

Both of their cheeks were dyed with a halo, and their lowered brows revealed their expressions.

Even through the photos, the sweetness and happiness are about to overflow!

——Romantic Dividing Line——

Following Ye Jin's movement of getting up, the flat hem of the skirt also showed that... there is no little fox at all!

Mengmeng, the little fox: "..." She is sleeping in the sleeve of the National Normal University!
As for the little note passing the answer, it has already been swallowed by this cute little fox!

Ye Jin's indifferent voice remained the same as before, with a calm and prestige expression, "No!"

One word stirred up waves of thousands of feet, and Lao Gao's appetite, which had been hung up by everyone, suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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