Chapter 397

One word stirred up waves of thousands of feet, and Lao Gao's appetite, which had been hung up by everyone, suddenly changed.

I'm going... the long-awaited thing just blows up like this... It feels like going to somewhere to play tomorrow, and then you look forward to it for a whole night, but the next day tells you not to go!

Be as unhappy as you are!

Everyone is upset...

As for Lan Xin'er, her face was gray and white, her body trembling like a fallen leaf, "Impossible, I saw a little fox..."

And she also knew that this fox was Meng Luo's animal pet!

Think about it, Meng Luo's pet has arrived at Nalan Yue's feet... This is not the rhythm of cheating, what is it!
Otherwise, how could she rashly say that Nalan Yue cheated, but what is wrong now...

However, even if Lan Xin'er was thinking about it, she would never know that it was the national teacher who took the little fox away!
As for the reason...of course it is not negotiable!

At this time, Lan Xuan stood up resentfully, glanced at Nalan Yue and Ye Jin respectively, and snorted coldly, "Perhaps that little fox is her contract beast!"

Everyone suddenly realized, and their eyes shifted towards Nalan Yue again!

Beside him, Ye Jin twitched his brows, his eyes darkened, and Nalan Yue gently pulled the corner of his clothes, signaling him to stay calm.

Anyway... the little fox is not her contracted animal, so she doesn't need to worry at all.

And Ye Jin naturally knew it too, but he just didn't want to see someone bullying his princess, you know, he still couldn't bear to bully her!
So, little friend Yejin, you really want to bully Yueyue in your heart, right...

Ye Nan Shen (turning into anger from embarrassment): "Get lost"

Here, the national teacher turned around slowly, his clean white robe was as cool as moonlight, and his silver mask shone with a unique light!
He pierced through the air coldly and shot at Lan Xuan like a knife, "She didn't!"

Just three words, it explains everything.

And everyone couldn't refute and didn't dare to refute...Because the status of the National Teacher is one person above ten thousand people, perhaps, even the one person above that should respect him!
That is, the emperor of a country!
"As for you," the national teacher raised his steps greatly, raised his chin slightly, and looked at the saint Lan Xin'er without a trace of fluctuation, "as the invigilator, you will frame the candidates at will, and now I will remove you from this competition in the name of the national teacher. Removed from the invigilators!"

"Also, go back and tell the domain master not to try to meddle in the secular world, otherwise the price will be unbearable for him!"

His voice suddenly became extremely cold, and no one present dared to speak.

Even the sound of breathing is secretly suppressed...

The National Teacher is also very good to photograph...

On the stage, Lan Xin'er bit her lower lip tightly with her white teeth, her eyes were full of reluctance, and her fingers were almost stuck in her flesh.

But compared to the humiliation in my heart... this little pain is nothing!
One last look at Nalan Yue, his eyes suddenly became vicious, you've made me so ashamed now, a dead waste, today's humiliation will be reported in the future!
Taking a deep breath, she chose to leave for the little bit of dignity left!

Very pitiful and very sad, but also very hateful!

Some people are like this, obviously they are the ones who do wrong things, and they are the ones who want others to make a fool of themselves, but when the result is not as expected, they will complain!
Lan Xin'er is like this, a complete scumbag!
(End of this chapter)

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