Chapter 401 The Handsome Uncle Emperor

Nalan Yue would never have guessed that this casual thought would actually come true in the future!
Of course, this is just an afterthought!

Nalan Yue rolled her eyes, and looked at Feng Chu, "Okay, the first match is your match, hurry up and get ready!"

Feng Chu's peach-blossom eyes were raised, and he blinked slightly, anyway, he was sure of his own words!

It's not easy for poor Yueyue to be a concubine...

Looking at Nalan Yue sympathetically, he walked towards the backstage.

Nalan Yue's scalp felt numb after being watched!
On the stage, walked up to the elder in blue, "Students who competed on the first day, please go to the backstage to prepare!"

"As for the other students, please prepare for the competition according to the exact date on the screen. Those who do not arrive on that day will be forfeited!"

Under the stage, the ten groups of students in the first round have already prepared in the backstage.

As for the rest, most of them chose to stay and watch the battle. Of course, some people chose to go back to continue training and come back on the day of their competition.

Nalanyue and the others couldn't leave because Fengchu was the first match.

The three of them walked to the auditorium at the competition venue!

It's a VIP seat...the view is particularly good.

And there were no empty seats on the viewing platform, and almost half of the Chinese people gathered here.


You must know that every imperial city competition is a matter of national glory, and the whole people are looking forward to it!
In the center is - several tall rings, five in total.

Obviously, these ten groups of contestants will be divided into two competitions, five groups at a time!

The referee is still made by the National Teacher and several elders.

But this time there are also the emperor and some concubines and queens in the palace, who are so beautifully dressed, they thought it was a beauty pageant if they didn't know it!
As for the emperor... Nalan Yue glanced at him, with the golden crown and black hair standing up, he looked only about 30 years old, he was an uncle with handsome features, his long and narrow black eyes narrowed in anger from time to time.

From this point of view, most of Ye Jin's appearance comes from his father.

But... the emperor is so young, he actually has nine sons!time oh!
While Nalan Yue was looking at him, on the stage, the emperor's eyes also fell on her.

With a little scrutiny...

Of course he also knew about the rumors about her and Xiaojiu in the imperial city. His excellent son would not be willing to be ruined by this waste...

But just looking at it, the emperor was completely stunned, and his black pupils shrank suddenly!
Because this face is too familiar...

Concubine Yejin, Concubine Xiang... There is a woman with the same face as Nalanyue hanging in her room.

She said that was her best friend in this life...

The signature on the painting was 16 years ago, obviously the woman in the painting cannot be Nalan Yue!
Then... she must also have something to do with the woman in the painting!
Perhaps the emperor's eyes stayed on Nalan Yue's face for too long, and Ye Jin met his eyes displeased.

Looking at each other, Ye Jin's eyes turned cold.

The emperor realized his gaffe, and quickly looked away, as if the moment of distraction just now hadn't passed!

Brat, dare to provoke me like this... Hehe, be careful that he doesn't let this girl pass by!

At the same time——"Participants from one to five groups are ready to enter the field, and the competition officially begins!"

It was the elder in blue who stood up from his chair, and his voice spread throughout the venue!

The whole people cheered ~ the whistles continued!

At the same time, the students from Groups [-] to [-] have already stood on five arenas, ten people in each arena.

(End of this chapter)

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