Chapter 402
At the same time, the students from Groups [-] to [-] have already stood on five arenas, ten people in each arena.

Feng Chu was on the first ring, and there were nine other people on it.

But judging by Feng Chu's confident appearance, these people might not be difficult to deal with!
Standing on the stage, Feng Chu waved his hands in the direction of Nalan Yue and Ye Jin, and whistled softly.

The sunlight hit his side face, which looked extremely beautiful, like a beautiful boy walking out of a picture scroll.

Nalan Yue and the others smiled at him together.

As for the other arenas, few of them were known by Nalan Yue, but Luo Hao was also in the same group as Feng Chu.

Isn't this the rhythm of courting death...

Below is the speech of the elder in blue, "In the team competition, there can only be one winner in each arena! The winner can directly advance!"

As soon as I said this, many people made dissatisfied voices - most of the contestants stood up unconvinced.

"Fuck, this is too unfair, what if the remaining nine people besieged one!"

"Yeah, why not one-on-one!"


On the stage, the elder in blue frowned. Although he expected such a situation, who would be so fierce!

"Shut up, the arena must keep..." Quiet!
Before the last two words were finished, I heard the cold voice of the Great Master, "Fair? What is that!"

An extremely disdainful tone, some with a questioning tone.

"There is no fairness in the world where the strong are respected. If you really want fairness, then you can speak with your own strength!"

"If, when you are practicing, a group of people besiege you, and you tell them to be fair and one-on-one, are they meeting your request?"

"Remember, this is a world where the strong are respected!"

As soon as the words of the National Teacher University fell, there was a burst of applause from the audience below the stage!

Because every one of the national teachers said it into their hearts, this is a world where the strong are respected, strength overrides everything, what is fairness!
Some children's shoes who had questioned before all lowered their heads in shame.

At this moment they really feel that they are very naive, but the next second they are full of determination!

war! ! !Fight for the so-called fairness!

Instead of complaining...

The scene has been brought under control, and everyone's emotions have been excited to the extreme at this moment!

The elder in blue cleared his throat and announced—"The competition has officially begun, and the competition will last for half an hour!"

Then... the five arenas were filled with gunpowder!

On the big screen at the back, several situations in the arena were also flashed, and at the same time, a big close-up shot would be given to the most intense group!
Nalanyue and the others turned their attention to Fengchu's group, and they didn't know the other groups anyway!

First group……

Feng Chu, who was dressed in dazzling red, was surrounded by the other nine people.

The corners of his bright red lips twitched, and he leaned against the edge of the ring, calm and contemptuous.

The other nine children's shoes swallowed their saliva and looked at each other, "Nine beats one, you should be able to beat it!"

" can!" A slightly skeptical tone.

Feng Chu half-closed his intoxicating peach blossom eyes, and hooked his fingers at the nine of them, "Let's go up together, after beating you, you can go home and eat!"

Arrogant tone and posture!
"Pfft..." Laughter broke out in the audience.

Even Nalan Yue couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth.

Those nine people blushed, feeling that they were completely despised, and rushed up in a swarm.

Live version of gang fights, nine against one!

(End of this chapter)

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