Chapter 404 The Little Mermaid
On the ring, Feng Chu also looked at the desperately running young man speechlessly.

Oh, the master is not a ghost running away!
Fortunately, he still thought about what position he should throw him in for a long time... but now he ran away!

Only Feng Chu was left in the first group, and the winner was already known!

The elder in blue stood up immediately and announced, "Fengchu won the first group and will directly advance to the third round!"

Applause erupted from below!

At the same time - Feng Chu's name also appeared on the big screen!

Feng Chu walked off the ring with a grin, and walked towards Nalan Yue and the others in the auditorium!

The competition of other groups is still going on...

It's just that with Fengchu's wonderful "throwing people" scene before, the rest of the competition was set off to be mediocre!
The audience in the auditorium also looked bored.

Feng Chu first greeted his father on the VIP platform, and then walked directly towards Nalan Yue and the others.

Meng Luo immediately patted him on the shoulder, "Brother, you're doing well!"

"That's it!" Feng Chu raised his eyebrows narcissistically, and looked at Nalan Yue and Ye Jin again, "Let's go and celebrate!"

"Secondary!" Nalan Yue stood up, anyway, the rest of the game is nothing to watch!

Ye Jin has always been a wife slave, so naturally she won't spoil her little Yueer's interest!
Monroe also has no objection!

Several people reached a consensus, so they left the arena and walked outside.

Under the bright sunlight, the four radiant figures seem to have their own apertures, making it impossible to move one's eyes away.

Of course, there is no lack of disdain... These three young men who are known as geniuses are actually hanging out with Nalan Yue, a good-for-nothing!

But the game here is still going on!
And over there... Nalan Yue and the others have arrived at a very famous restaurant in the imperial city.

In the exquisite private room, there is a table of delicacies, and everyone's pets can't help running out to enjoy the delicacies together.

Meng Luo's cute nine-tailed fox Nalan Yue has seen it before, and Feng Chu's is a pet mermaid!

That's right, you read that right, it is indeed a mermaid, with golden hair and sea-like blue eyes, the upper part is a human body, and the lower part is a fish tail.

Yingying also glowed with a pale golden light!

Obviously...should be the king of mermaids!
The Little Mermaid is very quiet, and eats in small bites, which almost melts Nalan Yue's girlish heart.

Pointing at him, he asked, "Fengchu, where did you get the mermaid from?"

Feng Chu thought that Nalan Yue despised him for having such a female animal pet, and immediately rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, "Actually... I got this by accident, it is long and quiet!"

You know how long Ye Jiuhe and Meng Luo have despised him just because he has this pet!

"It's beautiful!" Nalan Yue praised while enjoying the food.

This is a mermaid!
How can you not be surprised that something that you have only heard of in fairy tales suddenly becomes real one day before your eyes!

On the opposite side, the little mermaid, who was sipping something, took a peek at Nalan Yue, and Nalan Yue happened to smile at her.

The little mermaid immediately lowered her head shyly.'s so cute, but looking at her beast pets, it's almost impossible to look directly at them!
Little Fenghuang and Xiaobai ate their mouths full of oil, but as for the sacred tree and little dagger, they couldn't eat it and could only watch helplessly.

I guess my mouth is watering...

At this time, Ye Jin's little fan dragon also crawled out of his sleeves and joined the foodie team.

Dragon?And... why is it so familiar!

(End of this chapter)

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