Chapter 405

Dragon?And... why is it so familiar!

Nalan Yue suddenly remembered, when she fell on the carriage in the Devil's Forest for the first time, the pink thing flashed past her feet!

Isn't it the little pink dragon in front of me!
Immediately, he glared at Ye Jin, it turned out that the two master and servant were working together!
Ye Jin coughed twice, and leaned closer to her ear, "My lady, save some face for me!"

Forget it, since the male god Ye Nan took the initiative to admit his mistake!

Nalan Yue withdrew her gaze from his face, and didn't care about anything with him.

At the dinner table, the four hosts are eating, and several little monsters are also eating. It is a very loving scene!
It's a pity... What they don't know is that everything has been predetermined in the dark!
Their comrades who fought side by side will be there later... and this meal is their best memory!
Even if they are heartbroken in the future!

——Moon-month dividing line——

After eating and drinking, the few people went down the stairs of the inn and stood on the street.

At this time, the sun has already set and it is estimated that the imperial city competition is over!
The fiery clouds filled the sky, blending with the blue sky and clouds.

"Let's go back to our respective houses!" Nalan Yue glanced at them, and said something that was not good enough!

Fengchu Meng Luo nodded.

Ye Jin directly pulled Nalan Yue forward, the Prime Minister's Mansion was located on this bustling street.

Behind the two is the long sunset, and on the ground are the elongated shadows of him and her, holding hands, the indescribable romance and warmth!

But they didn't know that by a certain window, a man as warm as water was looking at them.

A trace of evil and charm that did not match his appearance flashed across the long and narrow eyes.

Two strikingly opposite temperaments of gentleness and evil charm are strangely integrated in him, seeming good and evil!

It was Xiao Ziyu...

Beside him, the shopkeeper of the pharmacy stepped forward cautiously, "Young Master, are you really planning to enter Qinglong Academy?"

The young master of their family also took the exam today!

"Hmm!" He spat out a word lightly, his eyes still fixed on Nalan Yue's figure.

In the examination room today, I was ignored by this little thing for so long...

What an unpleasant feeling!
——Ziyu dividing line——

Nalan Yue, who was walking, always felt that there was a line of sight behind her. She turned her head and looked around, but she didn't see anyone!

The sound of "Ding Dong!" pulled her back from her thoughts, and it was the locator that suddenly rang.

And it's her locator!
Suspiciously, Nalan Yue picked up the locator, wondering, how could she send a message even though she only had Ye Jin as a friend!

It's definitely not the Yemen God... It's like, the person you want to meet is already by your side, so why don't you still call him face to face?

Turn on the locator...

Ye Jinfeng narrowed her eyes and looked up.

A picture was sent on the screen, which was the one that was photographed before - the scene where he knelt on one knee as if tying her shoelaces!
It's just that the sender didn't realize it, as if it was extra out of thin air!
But the ones who took the photo were the elders of the National Normal University and Qinglong College...

Nalan Yue kept it safe, when the man beside him suddenly said, "Send me the photo."

Nalan Yue raised her eyes and glanced at him, then clicked on the picture to choose a friend and send it to him.

After finishing all this, he was almost at the gate of Xiangfu, Nalan Yue stopped and turned to look at him, "You go back first, I'll go back by myself, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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