Chapter 418 Nalan Yue is Number One

Those in the auditorium and those who lost the previous game were wailing!

Especially those eight children's shoes who were dismissed not long ago, the last one they agreed to stay to abuse this trash!
How can it be like this!

It's a pity that everything is a foregone conclusion, no matter how much they complain, it is meaningless!
At the VIP seat, the eldest lady took a sip, her eyes almost popped out, and the Nalanyu siblings beside her almost had the same expression as her.

Damn trash, she actually won the game for her!
Wait, I don't believe she can win the third round by luck!

However, what made them even more jealous was that since the game was over, the ranking would naturally be displayed on the big screen.

And Nalan Yue's name was originally on the bottom, but now it reached the sky in one step, and it was drawn towards the top at an extremely fast speed.

There is a possibility of breaking through the first place!
Even Nalan Yue couldn't help squinting her eyes, her original guess was that she might be at the bottom, after all, she didn't do anything at all!
But now...

Her name has surpassed No.6 Nalan Yu!
Sitting on the seat, Nalan Yu's eyes widened in disbelief.

Immediately after that, it was fifth...fourth!
The name is still scrolling up!

There was a gasp from below, "My eyes are swollen, why is Nalan Yue the trash already at No.6!"

"No, it's No.5!"

"Look, it's already surpassed the No.4 of the Third Prince!"

Wow, all eyes are on the big screen!
The third prince couldn't help but touch his nose, this girl didn't even move a bit, and the ranking has just gone up!
At this moment, everyone's heart is in a state of collapse, what a waste of good agreement, why can the ranking be raised so high by the system!

But can they say that the system is cheating... Next time, they will definitely be shot to death by the master of the system!

I don't know if it was at this time that he suddenly yelled again, "Fuck! It's already surpassed No.1! The Ninth Prince and Young Master Xiao have been squeezed out and become tied for second place!"


Everyone's mouths were wide open in astonishment, as if they could stuff an egg!
The audience fell silent for a split second...

The silence is a little scary!
On the big screen——Nalan Yue ranked first, and the golden name almost blinded people's eyes!
And still used to the name of the crown, the fighter in the VIP!
Nalan Yue had already stepped off the ring at this time, she was not surprised when she saw the ranking given on the big screen, she stopped and stood where she was.

Tell me, isn't her character too good recently!
Immediately afterwards, there was an unbelievable roar from the audience, as if hundreds of ducks had been released on the field!
Feng Chu exclaimed "Oh", "Fuck, my young master's ranking has become the third again!"

Meng Luo shook his head and was about to kneel down, "This character is so good that he has no friends!"

Ye Jin proudly picked at her perfect chin, as if she wasn't unhappy about being pushed out of the first place.

No matter how good the character is, she is also his little moon!

As for others... just be envious and jealous!

This bystander naturally refers to Xiao Ziyu...

At the same time, Xiao Ziyu's joyful expression was almost the same as that of Ye Jin's. He was not angry at losing the first place, on the contrary, he was very happy!
On the other hand, the other audience friends were fighting for them as if they had eaten a fly!

(End of this chapter)

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