Chapter 419 The reason given by the system

"I'm so pissed that I let a trash squeeze my male god!"

"Ah, I'm going to die!"


The few people involved are almost speechless. It doesn't make any sense for you to say that they are the parties.

But what the audience couldn't accept the most was the reason given by the system - "Given Nalan Yue's excellent performance this time, he won the victory without firing a single shot, so the title is number one!"

Damn, it's okay if you don't explain it, but this explanation is bad for everyone!

Just this stupid reason can make her take the first place, ouch, the babies are so pissed off!

Of course, no one would be stupid to question the master of the system, and all the complaints are just in the heart!
Don't think that it's over, and then the system gave another sentence-"Not all violence can solve the problem, sometimes you have to use your brain, otherwise you can't even make screws if it gets rusty!"

Quack... What a cold joke!

The entire audience was stunned. Although it was the master of the system who asked them to handle things, why did they all agree that the master of the system was so cruel...

System master: "..." Although there is no reward for the correct answer!
At the bottom of the screen, little loli Bei Lier blinked her eyes and looked at Nalan Yue in admiration and admiration, "Wow, sister Yueyue, you are No.1!"

"Great! Great!" The little girl looked excited, as if she had won No.1!

Nalan Yue: "..." Don't worship my sister blindly, she is just a good character!

Over there, the elder in blue on the referee's platform was speaking, announcing the end of today's competition.

"...The competition is over now. The results of today's competition have been announced on the big screen. Tomorrow is the No. 20 to [-] group competition...Everyone is ready to leave in an orderly manner!"

Several referees went together and left together with the emperor and several concubines and queens.

"Long live my emperor!" The audience saw off.

Because it highlights the particularity of the imperial city competition, there is not much etiquette, just a little bit.

Then came the exit of the VIP seats and ordinary audience seats. With the command of the imperial guards, there was no major disturbance.

However, when Nalan Jue passed by her, he smiled kindly at her.

It seems... a little relieved?
Nalan Yue's mouth twitched, she was so relieved, it's true!
"Oh my god, elder sister Yueyue quickly follow me to save brother!" Little Lolita's voice pulled Nalanyue's thoughts back.

Looking up at her, the little Lolita was still saying, "Woo~ The pharmacist said that my brother can't hold on for long... Even I said I want to stay with him at home and still insist on me participating in this stupid competition!"

"Oh, stop talking, sister Yueyue, come with me!"

Even though she is small, little Lolita is very strong, even if Nalan Yue doesn't move, she can drag her away completely!

Xu Shi walked too fast, little Loli couldn't help but coughed twice as she covered her chest. It seemed that her internal injury had recurred, and she almost coughed out her heart and lungs in the end.

The little face is red, even though she is wearing a bird's nest hairstyle, she is still very distressing.

Nalan Yue didn't think she was a Holy Mother, but she still took out a western medicine and stuffed it in her mouth, "Don't worry, as long as I have a breath, I can save him!"

The little loli was moved and burst into tears!

Continuing to pull Nalan Yue towards the exit, Nalan Yue used some strength to stop at the original position, "Wait a minute, there are a few friends of mine over there, let me talk to them."

(End of this chapter)

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