Chapter 420

Well, for the sake of everyone being able to voluntarily abstain, and because of this, she won the first place without a single soldier, so I still need to help in saving people!

While the two were talking, Ye Jin and the others had already walked this way...

Feng Chu looked at the little loli who was tugging on Nalanyue's sleeve, and couldn't help but smile, "Yueyue, when did you subdue this little loli!"

Immediately, Nalan Yue glared at him angrily, this kid is really not big or small!

Ye Jin took a step forward, pulled Nalan Yue into her arms, and patted the sleeve that the little Lolita had grabbed.

Carefully smooth out the creases.

This scene happened to fall into Xiao Ziyu's eyes, and he clenched his fingers, his eyes darkened.

And little Lolita stared at Ye Jin's fingers in a daze, aww, he obviously absorbed it in the morning, okay?

Why do you dislike dirty people!
Seeing that the atmosphere was getting weird, Meng Luo smoothed things over, "Miss Bei Li'er, aren't you just going to ask Yueyue to save your brother?"

"Shut up, I forgot about business again, sister Yueyue, come with me!" Bei Li'er patted the chicken nest angrily.

Nalan Yue and the others: "..."

It seems that the little loli is still a thick line!
Holding Nalan Yue's hand, she was about to gallop again.

Ye Jin said coolly, and snatched Nalan Yue from her hand, "Go and make a unicorn carriage!"



The unicorn carriage was originally a private space for the two of them, so of course I don't want others to disturb it!
Therefore, not only little loli Bei Lier, but also Fengchu Meng Luo was driven outside.

However, with Bei Lier as a living treasure, the two bear children would not be too sad.

The three of them chatted like this!

In the car, Nalan Yue and Ye Jin are naturally also a scene of you and me, eating a feast of ice cream leisurely.

Little Lolita's home is not far from here, so it's time for half a cup of tea.

in front of...

It is a dilapidated and narrow house with mottled walls, probably many years old!

"Everyone, please come in." Bei Li'er smiled shyly, knowing that her home was too simple, she begged Nalanyue again, "Sister Yueyue is inside, I beg you to heal her !"

Nalan Yue nodded, promising that she would do her best.

Several people entered the yard together. Although the yard was simple, it was still very clean and tidy.

However, as soon as he entered the door, he smelled the smell of blood mixed with the smell of medicine.

It is estimated that the injury inside is not serious!
Feng Chu frowned, "Lizi, what happened to your brother!"

"Lizi, does your brother have any enemies? If you tell me, maybe we can help you!" Meng Luo looked at her seriously and said very righteously.

After that little time of communication, they discovered that Bei Lier is a woman with a true temperament, who is neither arrogant nor impetuous, much better than those daughters with big breasts!

Bei Li'er opened her mouth, showing a sad look, and said, "It's brother again..."

But Nalan Yue looked at them suspiciously, not out of curiosity about their sudden righteousness.

But... Fuck, it only took a cup of tea to call her "Northern Lier Girl" and now "Pear"!
Could it be that after a few days of effort, even his younger sister has been chased!

The skill of teasing girls... Tsk, it's good enough!

Nalan Yue didn't expect to think about it casually again, and it turned out to be true again by accident!

As for who got the pear mushroom cool in the end, this is a secret for the time being...

(End of this chapter)

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