Chapter 428

It's over, his current bad taste is - conflicts between couples, falling in love and killing each other!

Aww, I told you that you are abusing single dogs!

You admitted at the beginning of the day that you were envious, jealous, and hated to a certain extent, which caused your mind to be distorted...

Now, the two men staring at each other are still going on, and the little loli in Kuo Lintian's arms is still in a daze and doesn't notice anything strange!

Girl... this is about to erupt, it's really a thick line!

Nalan Yue wiped off the sweat that didn't exist at all, and changed the subject, "What are your plans for the next step, are you still in the mercenary club to take on the mission?"

This sentence was asked by Xiang Kuo Lintian!

To be honest, she wanted to poach someone from the Mercenary Association. He has a good character, and it must be very good if he can recruit Shura Palace...

On the opposite side, Kuo Lintian let go of his sister, his dark eyes darkened, he hesitated to speak.

In the end, it was Bei Lier who couldn't hold back for a moment and said it quickly, "The group of big villains in the mercenary association disliked my brother's Stormtroopers for not having any record, and gave them a month's time, saying that if they still can't reach one star... ..."

Little Loli squeezed her fists and took a deep breath, "If you can't do it, you will remove the storm group from the mercenary association... But they won't let you take on big tasks and how to advance! snort!"

The corner of Nalan Yue's mouth twitched, was this sent to poach her?

And she has met the members of the storm group before, and they are all pretty good!
"Then you..." Just when Nalan Yue was about to say whether she was interested in entering the Shura Hall, Ye Jin gave her a look.

It was to signal her not to speak!

Nalan Yue suddenly became suspicious, could it be that Kuo Lintian still has problems, so he doesn't want it?

The man held her hand tightly, signaling her not to think about it, and then his deep voice fell, "...the mercenary meeting will receive a new task tomorrow, and you will be assigned to do it!"

Everyone was stunned, even Nalan Yue stared at his handsome face with sharp lines and was dumbfounded.

Kuo Lintian was the first to react. He was excited and mixed with disbelief, "You... Nine, Ninth Prince, are you saying that you are going to issue a mission... and then appoint our regiment?"

It happened so suddenly that he was incoherent!
Ye Jin frowned, her voice was cold, "Your ears are right!"

"Thank you so much!" A smile appeared on Kuo Lintian's handsome face.

The little loli Lizi also showed a row of white teeth excitedly.

Wow Kaka...Thinking about it with your toes, you know that the mission of the Ninth Prince is not ordinary, as long as you complete it, why worry about only advancing to one star!
Maybe it's full of stars!
Feng Chu was also helping out, "Hmm, my young master will release a mission soon!"

Meng Luo nodded in agreement, "There's me too... so Li Zi doesn't have to worry!"

At this time, no one knows how many surprises will be brought to them after just helping them a little bit!
"Thank you Brother Meng, thank you all!" Bei Li'er's cheerful expression was like a little sun, and her innocent eyes were smiling.

The corner of Meng Luo's mouth curled up, maybe even he didn't realize that there was a hint of pampering in his smile!

What to do... Can anyone tell him why he has any thoughts about this little loli whom he just met for the first day!
Reader: "...what an idea!"

Meng Luo replied calmly: "For example, doting on her, pampering her, coddling her, holding her..."


After chatting casually here at Kuo Lintian, they all went back to their homes!

(End of this chapter)

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