Chapter 429

And because it was a bit far from the luxurious center of the imperial city, Ye Jin insisted on sending her back.

As for the two brats, of course... they walked back by themselves!

Inside the carriage

Nalan Yue bit the small scoop of ice cream, and asked the doubt in her heart, "Since you helped him, why didn't you enroll him in the Shura Hall!"

Ye Jin leaned lazily on the back of the chair, and then approached her unexpectedly, "Do you think if we can get people inside the mercenary association..."

His warm breath wrapped her tightly, and Nalan Yue's cheeks were dyed a few traces of pink.

Then he looked up at him in surprise, "You mean, you want to train him?"

Hooking her over and hugging her into his arms, the man chuckled disdainfully, "Cultivation doesn't count, it's just pleasing to the eye!"

The corner of Nalanyue's mouth twitched, this man... he is clearly admiring him, but he is still stubborn! !

Thinking about it carefully, in fact, if Kuo Lintian can stay in the mercenary association and break into its interior, then it would be a very good thing!
It was only later that Nalan Yue knew how sharp and far-sighted Ye Jin was at the moment!
The man's breath was getting closer, she couldn't help but retract the thoughts in her mind, and looked at him.

Those shining black eyes were the most beautiful stars she had ever seen, lightly reflecting her appearance at this moment, making her unable to move her eyes away for a moment.

"What are you looking at?" His voice was low and sweet.

Nalan Yue said subconsciously, "Look at you..."

Ye Mo's eyes were dark, she stretched out her long arms, pressed her head, and pressed her thin lips against her unexpectedly.

Her pupils dilated slightly, and while it wasn't their first kiss, it was the best.

"Hey, close your eyes!"

A sentence made her close her eyes subconsciously like a spell.



The carriage stopped, and the two separated. The corners of Nalan Yue's lips were slightly swollen and aching.

He glared at the man sadly.

This man is too aggressive.

Think you're a dog?

"Huh? Do you want to continue what happened just now?" A man's teasing voice sounded in her ears, and then the man approached her.


Thinking that he would come again, Nalan Yue immediately took a step back and covered her mouth resignedly.

"Be good!" Ye Jin's low and charming voice lingered in her ears, "I just want to help you apply the medicine."

If she hadn't entered the Prime Minister's Mansion with her mouth so half-swollen, I'm afraid it would have caused another uproar!
Nalan Yue also knew the importance of this matter, so she allowed Ye Jin's slender fingers to stick some ointment on her lips in circles.

The crystal is like a layer of lip gloss, which is extraordinarily beautiful!
Ye Jin also resisted rolling her Adam's apple, forcibly restrained the urge to fuck her, and lifted the car curtain for her, "Go back."

"Bye!" Nalan Yue lifted her skirt and jumped off the carriage gracefully.

It's just that before leaving, she approached him like a prank, leaving a lip print on the man's collar.

Immediately, her mark was left on the black robe, and even the air became slightly hot.

Nalan Yue looked at her masterpiece proudly, hummed a little song, got out of the carriage, and patted the unicorn, "Take your master back quickly!!"

Hmm, lest that man come back to bully her again, the loss outweighs the gain!

Bypassing the luxurious carriage, the Prime Minister's Mansion was right in front of her eyes. Nalan Yue casually glanced at it and was about to enter, when she was startled by the densely packed mahogany boxes in front of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

What are the boxes that are continuously placed at the gate of Xiangfu?

(End of this chapter)

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