Chapter 430
Bypassing the leaving carriage, the Prime Minister's Mansion is just in front of him, but—what are the big mahogany boxes placed in front of the Prime Minister's Mansion?

Look at the formation from the south of the street to the end of the street!

Also... tied with big red flowers!
Isn't this clearly the rhythm of the betrothal gift?

The smile on Nalan Yue's face faded, and her eyes looked at the scene with a half-smile.

Anyway, it is absolutely impossible that the eldest lady is going to play the trick of marrying her again. It seems... the recent wedding of the Xiangfu is approaching!

Nalan Yue thought for a moment, then easily guessed the way inside, shrugged and entered the Prime Minister's Mansion.

I don't know how many times more lively than usual, almost all the people in the Quanxiang Mansion are concentrated here.

As soon as Nalan Yue came in, everyone's eyes were on her, they were nothing more than contemptuous eyes!

On the first place, the crown prince dressed in bright yellow proudly raised his chin, looked at people with his nostrils, and looked at her with a cold look from the corner of his eyes.

There was a man who looked like an eunuch standing beside him, and there was a piece of bright yellow Buang in his hand—you don't need to think about it to know what it is!
The imperial decree, and it's still a marriage!
Don't ask Nalan Yue how she guessed it, just look at Da Furen's expression at this moment, full of spring breeze.

It's just...not rice paper but watching what she is doing!
Nalan Yue squinted her eyes, didn't bother to pay attention to them, and was about to pass through the front hall.

"Stop!" Seeing being ignored by such a waste, the prince immediately became angry.

Nalan Yue stopped slightly, with a mocking smile on her lips, "What's the matter, Prince?"

The prince choked, and his face couldn't help becoming hot. Could he say that he just wanted to read the imperial decree in front of Nalan Yue, and then severely humiliate her?

Let her taste what it's like for the man she's been thinking of to turn around and marry someone else!

It's a pity, Nalan Yue has never thought about this scumbag, so everything he does now is just a clown in her eyes!

Nalan Yue raised the corners of her lips, "Since you're fine, don't yell!"

Turning around, he was about to leave gracefully, but the prince behind was in a hurry, what is yelling, did he treat him like a mad dog on the street?

Could it be that the crown prince took his seat once!
"I once again appreciate the good tutor of the Prime Minister's Mansion!"

The spearhead immediately pointed at Nalan Jue again.

Nalan Jue's face was expressionless, he glanced at Nalan Yue and then at the prince in front of him, he couldn't help feeling a little headache.

He has already decided to change his mind, and it is really a bit of a dilemma when he encounters this situation...

And Li Yaoshi has already rescued him, "I am afraid that the tutor of the Prime Minister's Mansion does not need the prince to intervene!"

good!Nalan Yue almost liked it, every time what the old man said hit the nail on the head, he sealed his throat with blood!

Sure enough—the prince was at a loss for words again, he opened his mouth in a daze but didn't utter a single word!

He flicked his sleeves bitterly, his face was dark!
Here, the eldest lady's eyelids were twitching, fearing that an unhappy crown prince would turn around and walk away, so she hurriedly smoothed things over, "Yue'er, today is the day when your eldest sister bestows a marriage, why don't you come over and listen to the order together!"

Nalan Yu smiled coquettishly, her cheeks were flushed, she was too shy, she glared at her mother coquettishly, "Mother..."

Nalan Yue put her arms around her arms and let out a faint "oh".

It was as calm as the surface of a lake without waves, as if all of this had nothing to do with her.

In fact, this was just a farce that had nothing to do with her... If you want to marry a scumbag so much, then do so!
(End of this chapter)

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