Chapter 435 How can it be so easy to marry

"Thank you father-in-law, but there are some people you really should discipline!"

"It's because the lower officials didn't teach well..."

The voice fades away—

The eldest lady, mother and son who stayed at the same place also stared at Nalan Yue, and then chased after her, "No matter how jealous you are, you won't be jealous of some things, such as the position of the Crown Princess!"

The eldest lady smiled mockingly.

Nalanmo was not to be outdone, "Hmph, don't think that King Jin really has a crush on you, it's just for fun because of your good looks!"

Tsk tsk, is this what a brother should say...

And jealousy, make no mistake! ! !Did she go back and be jealous that Nalan Yu had a scumbag?

Nalan Yue retorted calmly, "You don't need to worry about my affairs, what you should care most about is that Nalan Yu can successfully marry into the Prince's Mansion..."

It's okay to want to marry, but it's not that easy!
The grand lady, mother and son who were about to leave suddenly stopped, and said in a sharp voice like a cat with fur, "What do you mean!"

Could it be that this trash is doing something behind his back?

"Literally!" Nalan Yue left a meaningful smile with clear eyes.

It was this kind of expression that made the lady shudder for no reason. I don't know why there was some fluctuation in my heart...

Looking carefully at Nalan Yue's expression again, he relaxed when he saw that she was calm and without waves, hum, even if she was measured, she wouldn't be able to make any waves!
The two mother and son finally left with a cold snort!
Aunt Liu Shanshan walked a few steps and smiled at her, "Miss San, Meier and I are leaving too."

Nalan Yue nodded, walked around them to Li Yaoshi, and called out affectionately, "Second Grandpa, are you going to the banquet too?"

To tell the truth, she respected and liked this old man from the bottom of her heart, and she was finally the only light in this family full of gloom and scheming!
Pharmacist Li smiled heartily, shook his head, and the two walked towards the inner courtyard together.

"No, it's such a boring thing! But, Yue'er, what you did this time is too risky...Second Grandpa is worried about you!"

"Don't worry, I have my own measure!"

"Second Grandpa thinks that your father's attitude towards you seems to have changed. Could it be because Yue'er you won the first place in the Imperial City competition?"

"...Probably." Nalan Yue replied.

——Small moon dividing line——

Until she walked into her yard, Nalan Yue still had that sentence in her mind - "Why does Second Grandpa feel that your father's attitude towards you has changed!"

Yeah, that did change...

As for the reason, she didn't know either!It seemed that there was such a sudden change, Nalan Yue frowned and still didn't understand it.

As he continued to walk forward, a black shadow suddenly passed over the wall, and the speed of the black shadow was very fast.

Leaving afterimages in mid-air, in the blink of an eye, he has already arrived in front of Nalan Yue.

Nalan Yue is also a vegetarian, and immediately prepared to fight, thinking quickly in her mind that it is that group of people who are going to kill her again!
It's just——it was only through the moonlight that he could see the appearance of the person in front of him clearly, so he couldn't help letting go of his guard and gave him a punch in a moment.

"Ye Jin, you're going to scare people to death!" shouted at him!

Ye Jin, who was in a gorgeous black robe, stood taller and taller under the moonlight, and was holding her two little hands condescendingly at the moment, "I didn't know that my little Yue'er could be easily scared!"

Nalan Yue: "...".

What do you mean, they are also soft girls, not all female men!

"Hmph, I want you to take care of it!" Qing Mou stared at him, poking his finger at his chest, "What are you doing here again!"

(End of this chapter)

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