Chapter 436 Don't Frown

First, when she was born, her mother had dystocia!

Second, Xiangfu has nothing about her!

Ye Jin nodded, and took out a painting from the space again.

Nalan Yue sat up straight and unfolded the picture scroll in front of her eyes little by little. Gradually, a woman appeared in front of her—not so overpowering, but gentle as water. Feel a little peace.

Soft and beautiful, as if all the soft things in the world were made for her!
But Ye Jin was right about one thing, the woman in this painting really does not resemble her at all, not even a little... not at all!

It is said that the daughter will be very similar to the mother, but she is not at all the woman in the genetic portrait.

Nalan Yue touched Qing Cheng's little face wonderingly, and felt more and more that she was not her Nalan Jue's biological daughter, maybe the woman in the portrait was not her mother either!

But, why did Nalan Jue keep her in the mansion, and the original owner's grandfather who has been retreating... Look, this is a logically unreasonable problem!
He flipped through the information about her in his hand again, saying that the information was a bit far-fetched, and it only recorded some things about her sporadically.

For some important things that she wanted to know, she happened to avoid them, as if with a hand, he erased everything she wanted to know...

There was some irritability in my mind for no reason, and I always felt that there was something strange about the matter...but I couldn't say it!
Beside her, the man stretched out his arms around her slender waist, and the cool smell of mint rushed to the tip of her nose, making her look slightly relaxed.

A big hand stroked between her brows from behind, gently smoothing the frown between her brows.

As the slightly cool fingertips stroked round and round, Nalan Yue couldn't help but relax her whole body, and the things that bothered her mind gradually became less important.

After tidying up the portraits and putting them on the table, the person lazily stayed in his arms.

But the lights outside are dim...

It is estimated that Nalan Yu's gift of marriage brought a lot of guests to the Prime Minister's Mansion, and there were some faint noises.

But the room was completely quiet, only the breathing of the two of them remained...

"Don't frown, the Asura Hall is still searching, and we will definitely find it!" The man's steady voice reminded him.

"It's good to have you!" Nalan Yue threw herself into his arms, rubbing her cheek against him slightly.

The man hooked his lips, "If there is no golden light, you will not only feel good, but also feel great!"


——Blush dividing line——

Now the sky outside has become darker, and the noisy voices have gradually disappeared...

On the bed where the veil was hanging down, Nalan Yue suddenly opened her eyes, the pupils were extremely clear.

Turning her head to look at Ye Jin who was still sleeping soundly, she put it on lightly, with a playful smile on her lips.

Well, tonight the crown prince will probably stay and spend the spring/night with her big sister Bailianhua... Then how can she treat this good sister if she doesn't take some strong medicine!

Nalan Yu hopes you won't be played to death later!

And her purpose is more than that simple...Nalanyu, don't worry, this girl will definitely want you to marry the prince in a "fair and beautiful" way!


I, Nalan Yue, must avenge the hatred that the original owner was killed because of you!
This can be regarded as an explanation to the original owner, so that the poor autistic girl can get a little comfort.

Clenching her fingers, taking a deep breath to suppress the thoughts in her heart, Nalan Yue tiptoed out of bed.

(End of this chapter)

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