Chapter 443 Pear Is Watching You Here

"Oh my god, isn't that Young Master Meng? Why is he going to step down now!"

"Something's wrong, you didn't see how Young Master Meng looks like he's bewitched!"

"Yeah yeah……"

There was a commotion on the audience stage and the judges stage!

Ye Jin's complexion also darkened, and she focused her eyes on the stage, not knowing what she was thinking!
Feng Chu immediately swears, "Damn, what's wrong with Little Mencius!"

Through the big screen, you can see that Meng Luo is walking very stiffly with his eyes blank, but from the dense beads of sweat on his forehead, it can be seen that he is also struggling
But as the two sisters chanted something together, his pupils gradually dilated!
not good! ! !Nalan Yue's brows tightened, and she quickly pulled Bei Li'er.

"Now only you can wake up Meng Luo, hurry up and call his name!"

She has studied psychology, so the more he cares about the person, the greater the influence on him.

Bei Li'er had a meal first, but on the stage, Meng Luo almost half-stepped out of the ring, so he had to organize!

Immediately reacting, he shouted loudly, "Brother Luo, come on... Brother Luo, hurry up and teach the two women in front of you a lesson!"

On the ring, Meng Luo's head was covered with sweat, shining in the sun, and Bei Li'er's smiling face kept appearing in his mind.

Faintly, I could hear someone calling him...but it seemed like there was nothing!

At the VIP seat, Bei Li'er saw that the shout just now was useless, so she hurriedly shouted again, "Brother Luo, what's wrong with won't let me down as promised...Brother Luo, Lizi is here to look at you again !"

Little Loli raised her voice very high, with a nasal sound that sounded like she was about to cry!

Her words moved everyone in the audience, and they couldn't help shouting together, "Master Meng...Come on!"

Little Lolita yelled again, "Brother Luo... you will help me solve everything you say I hate, but now I hate the two women in front of you... why are you still standing there, don't forget, Lizi I'm here to watch you!"

Nalan Yue rolled her eyes, a little startled, forgive her for still wanting to gossip at this moment—fuck, when has it developed to this point...

On the ring, Meng Luo's heavy brain became struggling immediately after being yelled at like this, her cheeks were so real in her mind.

But a familiar and crying voice came intermittently from outside—"Brother won't let me down if you will help me get rid of the things I hate...Lizi is here looking at you !"

The last sentence seemed to hit the softest part of my heart in an instant, and Meng Luo's eyes instantly woke up.

The illusory fragments in my mind are naturally vulnerable!

And the two sisters on the opposite side, seeing that their soul-hunting technique had been broken, suddenly became shocked, and wanted to continue to control him-but Meng Luo would not give them a chance anymore!

The moves became more and more fierce, and the lips were pursed tightly. Every move was to attack their dead point!
"What kind of trick did you use just now!" Meng Luo's long sword rested on the necks of the two with a condensed voice.

He is the person involved, so the feeling is particularly strong, as if surrounded by something similar to illusion!
"Don't say anything!" The two sisters stared stubbornly, "Referee, we admit..."

Before the word "lose" was uttered, Meng Luo had already moved the knife.

(End of this chapter)

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