Chapter 444 Miko Clan

Before the word "lose" was uttered, Meng Luo had already slashed the knife, crippling the strength of the two of them, and also removed their jaws by the way, even if they wanted to commit suicide, they couldn't do it!

Looking at the two of them coldly, "What I want is that your life is better than death!"

"Bang! Bang!" In the end, the two sisters were kicked off the stage and passed out. The posture was so ugly!

I'm afraid Meng Luo did it on purpose too!

Here, Bei Lier cheered, "Aww, brother Meng Luo is awesome!"

Seeing the little girl's fair and charming face, a knowing smile appeared on Meng Luo's handsome face.

And when he stepped off the ring, he had secretly ordered the two half-dead sisters under the stage to be taken away quietly.

He wanted to know the truth more than anyone else about what happened before, how could he be blocked by the illusion for no reason!

But at the VIP seat, Nalan Yue secretly recalled what the unknown old man said before, about the soul-hunting technique of the witch clan!
"What is soul-stirring technique?" Nalan Yue secretly asked the nameless old man in the space bracelet.

The unknown old man sighed softly, and said, "Plainly speaking, insanity is to create illusions in your mind, so that you are fascinated by it and can't extricate yourself, so you can do something out of control!"

"It's could the Miko Clan pass this on to humans!?"

The nameless old man sighed again, and his doubtful voice gradually became ethereal!
Realizing that he might fall into a deep sleep again, Nalan Yue quickly asked again, "Grandpa, you haven't said what the Miko Clan is..."

It's a pity that no one answered her for a long time. It seems that the nameless old man has fallen into a deep sleep and continues to mend the other half of his broken soul!
Nalan Yue frowned puzzled, Miko clan?What kind of race should that be!
"Ye Jin, do you know about the Miko Clan?" Nalan Yue thought for a while, then turned around and asked Ye Jin beside her.

"Witch family?" The man spit out these words in a deep voice, and a ray of light suddenly flashed in his narrow phoenix eyes.

"The two women should be using the witch clan's soul-hunting technique!"

He uttered his conjecture in a flash of inspiration.

Nalan Yue exclaimed, and stared at him closely, "How do you know about soul-hunting?"

Feng Chu also came over at this time, astonished as much as Nalan Yue, "It's actually the soul-hunting technique of the Miko Clan, oh my God!"

Ye Jin frowned, glanced at the two sisters who were dragged away, and then explained to Nalan Yue, "Witches have always lived in seclusion, they are short in stature and wear hats all the year round, their strength is very weak but they have the ability to absorb souls. But it's very strong, it's their unique skill!"

Then why do humans learn the art of instigating...

Nalan Yue was also puzzled, but what made her even more curious was the appearance of the Miko clan. She was short and wore a hat all the year round?

Oh, isn't that the little witch in the animation?
This world is so unreal!
But in any case, the key point now is on those two sisters, and now the pair of sisters are also in their hands!

How to get them to speak is their business, so let's put this aside for now.

Meng Luo had already come this way at this time, and the remaining few sets of matches were about the same.

Feng Chu had already told him about this matter, and Meng Luo frowned coldly, "I have secretly sent people to take those two back to the Asura Hall."

Bei Lier clenched her fists, "I will definitely punish those two bad women severely!"

(End of this chapter)

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