Chapter 448 National Teacher PK Domain Master
"Pfft—" A mouthful of blood spat out, and the whole person crawled there like a ball of cotton, with despair in his eyes!
For a moment, the audience was silent...

Everyone is shivering like a frightened bird!

Lan Xuan immediately knelt down to intercede for his younger sister, "Master Territory Master, the Holy Maiden was wronged, and the person who wronged her must be that trash!"

Lan Xuan suddenly pointed at Nalan Yue!
Immediately, Ye Jin frowned, and the Great Master also frowned!

When everyone thought that Nalan Yue was going to be unlucky, Lan Xin'er's eyes were only gloating, completely forgetting that she was still in such a mess at the moment!

However, the domain owner didn't do anything, instead he stared at her interestingly.

Only Nalan Yue knew how terrifying his eyes were, they opened their cold fangs like a poisonous snake!
The coldness spread from the soles of the feet to the tip of the heart!

Nalan Yue secretly gritted her teeth, straightened her back and looked at him without fear!

"Interesting! Since trash can design you, aren't you even inferior to trash!" The domain master's lips curled up, his smile was bloodthirsty in the cold, extremely arrogant, and his eyes swept towards Lan heart.

Lan Xin'er was startled, and retreated instinctively.

But—"Slap!" Another slap, and Lan Xin'er was sent flying again!
Then the domain master withdrew his gaze and glanced at Nalan Yue, his silent eyes were dark and terrifying!
He felt a sharp and dangerous figure!
This was Nalan Yue's first feeling, he gave her the feeling that besides being dangerous, he was still dangerous, even if he smiled again, it would still give her chills!

It seems that there is no warmth in nature!

"You are fine!" He dropped another sentence, his eyes as silent as stagnant water radiated a cold light.

But Nalan Yue was not as good as he said. At this moment, her whole body seemed to have been frozen, and the chill was almost coming out of her body.

If it weren't for her perseverance and tenacity, I'm afraid she would have been unable to hold on now!
Suddenly, a pair of warm and dry big hands held him, making her whole body warm up instantly.

This feeling is like serving you a cup of warm hot tea on a cold snowy day!

Nalan Yue stabilized the messy aura in her body, turned her head and smiled at him, she knew it was him!
Because he was always standing by her side!
"Since you are here, let someone take you away!" The national teacher flew up and stood at the same height as him.

Immediately, Nalan Yue felt that the coldness in her body disappeared.

She couldn't resist the coldness of that cold wave at all, but she was still a martial artist after all, so one could imagine how strong the domain master was!

It is really terrifying to have such a strong enemy, but she is not afraid, as long as she is given time, she can grow up quickly, just...

Nalan Yue raised the corners of her lips coldly, and looked up at the two people outside the barrier.

The domain master glanced at the national teacher, chuckled without saying a word, and directly sucked up Lan Xin'er and his sister.

slowly rise...

Like carrying a chicken, she held the two lightly in her hands, Lan Xin'er trembled, as if she was very scared!

But it's really embarrassing to have such a host at the stall!It is also reasonable to be afraid!
The domain owner sneered, and said something confusing, "You hid it well..."

It was said to the National Teacher.

Master Guo Shi narrowed his eyes for an instant, knowing what he was referring to, and said lightly, "You too..."

The two people playing charades back and forth made everyone confused.

(End of this chapter)

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