Chapter 449 120 points

The sneer at the corner of the domain master's mouth suddenly froze, as if someone had exposed his secret!
Clenching his fists, he disappeared slowly in mid-air, and the thick coercion also disappeared at this moment!
Everyone in the audience suddenly felt that they could breathe again, patted their chests and felt deeply that they had just experienced a death!


Huh——fortunately, everything has been attributed to calm!

Let alone them, even Nalan Yue was covered in cold sweat.

The picture on the big screen was still there, and the national teacher frowned greatly, a little dumbfounded, and wiped it off with a wave of his sleeve.

This kid actually dared to tamper with his system!

He glanced at Ye Jin lightly, and the latter looked back at him fearlessly.

The National Teacher once again felt that he had touched the ashes on the nose, so he looked away and signaled the elder in blue to continue announcing the next round of competition.

The elder in blue coughed a few times, and looked down with his eyes that were not cloudy, "The third round of the competition is slightly different than before..."

After experiencing the incident of the domain master, everyone felt a little embarrassed. Now when they heard that the game was different from the past, they immediately widened their eyes and listened attentively.

The elder in blue continued to say, "The third round will be held in the Royal Secret Realm!"

As soon as the blue-clothed elder's words fell, the audience was in an uproar...

"This is too unfair, people from the royal family must have been to the secret realm of the royal family!"

"This is too unfair to the rest of me who have never been in contact with the royal secret realm!"


The elder in blue waved his hands at everyone, his voice gradually raised, "Everyone don't have to worry about such problems, because this time the competition level will be jointly set by Master Guoshi and the Great Elder of Qinglong Academy!"

"To put it simply, it's just moving the examination venue to the Royal Secret Realm, where the checkpoints are absolutely fair and consistent for each of you!"

Everyone understood and nodded.

The elder in blue paused for a moment, and then said again, "The third round of exams is scheduled for three days later. As for the rules, we will explain them again after that day. Now let's turn our attention to the big screen, which will be announced soon—the results of the written exams." !"

Then, the eyes of the audience shifted to the big screen!
Nalan Yue looked at the screen as well - changes began to appear on the big screen, and the written test ranking was soon displayed!

No.1: Nalan Yue and Ye Jin - Score 120 points - full score!
No.2: Xiao Ziyu, 119 points

No.3: Monroe, 118 points

No.4: Fengchu, 115 points

No.5: Third Prince, 110 points

As for the latter, I will introduce people who are familiar with it. Nalan Yu has 100 points, Nalan Mo has 90 points, Lan Xuan: 80 points...

Over there, Nalanyu brother and sister, both foreign and the eldest wife, almost gritted their teeth with anger, they actually didn't have as high a score as that trash!

Don't blame them for always thinking that Nalan Yue is a waste, because Nalan Yue did not reveal her strength from the very beginning!
Not only were they surprised, but the audience was in an uproar again. This year's game was definitely the weirdest they had ever seen!
"Damn, a waste won the first two consecutive games, isn't this the rhythm of face-slapping!"

Doesn't this just show that they are even worse than trash!
"Is there a mistake in the test paper...or maybe the score is wrong, it should be 012!"

(End of this chapter)

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