Chapter 450
"Is there a mistake in the test paper...or maybe the score is wrong, it should be 012!"

"I think this is possible!"

Everyone's brain power is very strong!
The little girl Bei Li'er couldn't stand them attacking Nalan Yue like this, "Shut up, I made a mistake with you big-headed ghosts! I think you are all envious and jealous!"

"Tch, where is the little girl, go away!"

"What's so enviable about her being a waste!"

"That's... that's it!"

Bei Qian'er was furious, "You..."

Nalan Yue patted her shoulder slightly, and then said to the people behind with a half-smile, "Since you keep saying that you are not jealous, please shut up!"

"Do you know that when you keep saying that you made a mistake, you are actually questioning the Master of the State Teacher, and you are also questioning the score given by the master of the system!"

Bei Li'er let out a "wow" in amazement, and looked at her with admiration, "Sister Yueyue, you are so amazing..."

Nalan Yue: "..." Little meaning!
Over there, the national teacher shook his head lightly, this girl's head reacted quite quickly, and she knew how to use this great god as a shield!

Everyone was speechless for a while, saying that it was indeed the truth, but they were unbalanced in their hearts, why should she, Nalan Yue, a piece of trash, be able to take the first place!
But whoever talks at this time is really a bit mentally handicapped!
The elder in blue began to stand up to smooth things over, "The scores given by the system are absolutely fair, and I have seen that Nalan Yue's test papers are indeed very good... Today's competition is over, and now everyone please leave in an orderly manner!"

Everyone froze for a moment before leaving the stage stiffly, but the words of the elder in blue remained in their hearts all the time!
Damn, even the elder in blue praised her!

Nalanyue was also slightly taken aback, but she didn't expect that the blue-clothed elder who usually disliked her would speak for her!
Soon everyone left...

However, Master Guo Shi walked towards them, Nalan Yue's eyes turned suddenly, could it be that he came to help her cheat again?
Well, I don't know why this suddenly came to her mind!

It may be that the national teacher has helped her too many times...

The national teacher who was walking towards him almost wiped off his sweat. Khan, he agreed to rely on his own strength!
"Is there something wrong with the national teacher?" Nalan Yue folded his arms and looked at him.

Hurry up and hand in the test questions...

hurry up……

When the national teacher heard her voice, he almost wanted to bump his head to death, but his face was still calm, "Be careful of Lan Xuan!"

"Huh?" Nalan Yue stared, but the National Teacher turned around and left coldly!
What about the one who agreed to give the test questions... Uh, why did you just throw a sentence of "be careful of Lan Xuan"?
But even though he was making complaints, Nalan Yue had added another layer of defense against Lan Xuan, after all, Lan Xuan had a deep hostility towards her!

On the other hand, Feng Chu smiled and said, "Yueyue, don't you want to ask the national teacher for an answer?"

Nalan Yue suddenly coughed twice, "Ahem...what are you talking about!!"

Now not only Fengchu but also a few friends all burst into laughter.

Beside him, Ye Jin stretched out his hand to pat her head pamperingly and helplessly, oh, Xiaoyue'er is so cute that I want to hide her!But he knew she wanted to fly, so he had to fly with her!

Talking and joking, they walked out of the royal arena, and Ye Jin domineeringly threw off a few friends, and directly pulled Nalan Yue into the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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