Chapter 451 The Sisters Are Rescued

on the carriage

Ye Jin hugged Nalan Yue, her perfect chin rested on her neck, and the warmth of her breath sprinkled on her neck.

He moved his arm and took out a package of things from the space ring and stuffed it into her hand.

The slightly cold touch of the fingertips forced Nalan Yue to open her eyes, looked at the man in puzzlement and then lowered her head to look at the things in her hands.

Slowly unfolding, it was a pack of exquisite silver needles, complete in size, much better than the ones she used before!
"It's a silver needle!" Nalan Yue poked his side face in surprise, and suddenly thought of something, and panicked this in front of her, "You made this yourself? You are a craftsman, right?" wrong?"

It was only then that she remembered that Ye Jin's attributes were metal and fire, and these two happened to be the basic conditions for becoming a pharmacist!
Ye Jin snorted lightly, with a very dissatisfied expression, "I just found out!"

"You didn't say that..." She muttered, obviously without confidence, alas, she ignored this point!
Oh, how do you act like a girl friend!

"By the way, God Ye Nan... can you refine the small dagger?" Nalan Yue looked at him eagerly, licked his lips submissively, and placed the small dagger in front of his eyes.

The small dagger has been upgraded by the system master before, but its original material is not particularly good!
So... it has been unable to display its high-end atmosphere as an artifact!
Ye Jin lowered her eyebrows, and stroked her neck with her fingers, her phoenix eyes slightly narrowed to reveal a bright light.

Nalan Yue was stunned for a if attracted by his eyes.

Until the man's voice woke her up, "You understand!"

As he said that, he hooked the corners of his lips evilly, and approached her with his ridiculously handsome side face for a long time!

That speaks for itself!

Kiss him, kiss him, ravage him!

She, indeed, understands! ! !

Nalan Yue blinked her long and curled eyelashes, her delicate face had an indescribably alluring beauty, she approached him gently... her sweet lips stayed on his side face!
Suddenly the man counterattacked, holding the back of her head with his big palm, and ecstasy ingesting the sweetness in her mouth with his wanton long tongue.

Until—Ye Jin's locator sounded in the quiet space, waking up the gentle two people.

Ye Jin didn't stop her movements...

"Ding dong! Ding dong!" The locator is still ringing!
Still, Nalan Yue couldn't stand the magic sound tormenting her ears, she slightly pushed him away, and frowned, "Hmph, is it a text message from my little lover!"

"How is it possible? In this life, the only thing I will never marry is the moon!"

Ye Jin touched her nose innocently, and turned on the locator in front of her in order to prove that she was really not a young lover.

It's just that - the moment Ye Jin swept his eyes, Ye Jin's face darkened instantly!

On the opposite side, Nalan Yue looked suspicious at his expression, what the hell, could it be that he really is a little lover?

His forehead moved together, and he couldn't help taking a breath when he saw the message sent from above, "The two sisters were rescued?"

Yes, a message sent from above basically meant that the two sisters who used the soul-stirring technique were robbed halfway to the Shura Hall!
"Yue'er, I have to go back!" Ye Jin said in a low voice, and a rare stern look appeared on his playful and handsome face.

You must know that these two sisters are using the soul-hunting technique... and they are related to the witch clan...

Knowing the urgency of this matter, Nalan Yue clasped his hands, "Well, it's not far from Xiang's mansion now, I'll just walk back by myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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