Chapter 453 Perspective Skills

You must know that the Moon Alchemy Jue is very arrogant, and you can only learn it step by step if you don't have the authorization to open it, and it can't be said that you can pick and learn it randomly!
So...hehe, we can only trouble our nameless old man, anyway, has he granted himself permission before!

As the old saying goes, if there is one, there are two!
Nalan Yue hooked the corners of her mouth with a faint smile, and the unsatisfactory voice of the unknown old man came from over there, "The dead girl is disturbing this deity again... Hmph, there is a very good way to open the authority, do you want to try it?"

Suddenly the nameless old man smiled treacherously!
The corner of Nalan Yue's mouth twitched, but she still asked, "Tell me!"

The nameless old man's voice was faintly gloating, and he said faintly, "Just use your blood to feed the Alchemy Moon Art!"


Nalan Yue obviously didn't believe it. Could it be that her blood is still some kind of magic medicine, and she can even activate the authority to 1
The nameless old man obviously got angry recently, and when she heard her disbelieving tone, he immediately exploded, "Believe it or not, the old man is so mad, I won't come out if you shout out your throat next time in retreat!"

The voice of the unknown old man gradually faded away.

Nalan Yue "..." Where is the broken throat!
Well, just try it!
Nalan Yue directly bit her finger and dripped it on the palm-sized Alchemy Moon Jue book, the bright red liquid flowed like a flower on the other side.

A little bit penetrated into the book, leaving no trace on the book, everything was absorbed by it!
Nalanyue was overjoyed from the bottom of her heart, it seems that the nameless old man really didn't tell lies!

Immediately afterwards, the Lianyue Jue trembled slightly, as if it was disgusting that there was not enough blood, and the strangest thing was that Nalan Yue could also feel its thoughts!
Well, even the book is now at a perfect pace!
He took out the blade and cut his own vein again, the blood flowed much faster than the previous overnight stay.

But the Alchemy of the Moon is like an insatiable child, no matter how much blood Nalan Yue shed, it will absorb it one by one...

And there is also a progress bar on the writing of Moon Alchemy Jue, every time Nalan Yue's blood stays on it, the grid of the progress bar will advance a bit!
Look at this... It will take a little time to open all the permissions!

Design!Nalan Yue's bloodless face was pale, but her lips were tightly pressed into a straight line.

Staring at the progress bar out of the corner of his eyes, it was only a little bit closer, and he could hold on to it by gritting his teeth!
I suddenly stuffed a bunch of pills that didn't return blood into my mouth... Finally the progress bar was full!
The original golden cover color became more dazzling at this time, giving it a bit of sacred air for no reason.

Permissions should now be unlocked...

Nalan Yue thought about quickly opening the Moon Refining Art, and sure enough - all the skills that were locked and could not be cultivated had been unlocked now!

And it also played a star after practicing super memory and rapid promotion before!
Super memory - five stars, full stars!
Fast promotion - four and a half stars!
Obviously, the former is all mastered, while the latter still needs to work harder!
Nalan Yue took a short break, and then used her spiritual energy to spin around twice before practicing the "rapid promotion skills" again.

Only when the stars became full of stars did Nalan Yue continue to learn "perspective skills"!
The fragrant lips parted: "Xu said..."

The jerky formula slowly slipped out of his mouth... little by little, and finally became smoother.

(End of this chapter)

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