Chapter 454 Seventh Dimension
It wasn't until the sky became dark that Nalan Yue suddenly opened her eyes, for no other reason than that her mental power had been exhausted!
However, she has only practiced the "perspective skill" with two stars!
In modern times, the master said that her spiritual power is unprecedented, but her spiritual power is gone after only two stars!

One can imagine how difficult it is to practice the Moon Alchemy Jue!

Taking a deep breath, Nalan Yue temporarily put down the Moon Refining Art. If she does not have enough mental power, she will become an idiot if she continues to practice!
Anyway, on the day of the competition, you will definitely be able to practice this skill well!

So now, in the absence of spiritual power, I can neither continue to practice nor refine medicine... what should be done!
Nalan Yue sat quietly on Simmons' big bed, resting her chin.

Ah, how could I forget that!
Do you still remember the room that can only be opened if her strength reaches the level of a martial artist... She ran out of the bamboo house and walked towards another bamboo house next to her.

At this time, the bamboo house had already released the seal, and Nalan Yue gently pushed it away with twinkling eyes.

What caught my eye was a series of high-tech medicine refining items, which were [-] times more abundant than those in the medicine refining room.

Nalan Yue couldn't hide her joy in her clear eyes, she caressed these cold machines like a baby, it's great, with these, the amount of her refining medicine will definitely increase suddenly!
But there is one thing that Nalan Yue doesn't understand...these are high-tech products only available in modern times, but how could they appear in this other world?
Could it be that there is some space-time tunnel?
Girl, you read too many novels!

Suspicious in her heart, Nalan Yue continued to walk inside, looked around but did not find anything like a "space-time tunnel"!

Maybe this is just there, but it was blocked for some reason!
Well, it must be like this!

Nalan Yue put aside the random thoughts in her mind, and looked at these machines with a smile.

Just as she was about to turn around, she suddenly saw a delicate storage box in the corner from the corner of her eyes!
Nalan Yue frowned, driven by curiosity, she walked to that corner and opened the lid of the box!

Suddenly, Nalan Yue was stunned!
Fuck, do the system's rewards also include these?

Inside the exquisite storage box is actually a bag, neatly packaged and unopened—the seven-dimensional space!
Extended!For night use!For daily use!All of them!
Hehe... What a thoughtful reward!
Knowing that she was in the undeveloped ancient times, so even this is ready, well, I reluctantly accept it but I still want to give a bad review, you said it would be great if you rewarded an atomic bomb or something!

Just do this!
Nalanyue complained silently for a while, and ordered to carry the box back to the bamboo house where she lived, and put it in the bedside table.

Nalan Yue stepped out of the space after glancing at his friends who were still practicing.

Stretching out, I was about to take out the locator to read some new articles, but—a shadow flashed outside the window, and it happened to be a darker and windier night again!
Nalan Yue stopped the movement of her hands, just about to take out the small dagger, but sadly found that the small dagger was just given to Ye Jin today!

This time, oh, I can't even take out a weapon that is in my hand!
It's okay, a silver needle can turn the clouds upside down!
At this moment, Soi Ying has sneaked into her room without any concealment, not even wearing night clothes for a long time!
What an arrogant assassin!

Raise your hand, lift your foot, and get off the bed neatly, ready to surprise him!
(End of this chapter)

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