Chapter 460 Zombie King (1)

Sitting on the seat, Bei Li'er blushed and became excited. She knew that the people inside couldn't hear her shouting, but she couldn't help cheering for them: "Sister Yueyue, come on...defeat the little zombie! Brother Meng Luo, come on too... …come on!"

Switch the screen to Nalan Yue's side again - at this moment, the last wave of zombies is coming!

The sound of heavy footsteps and roars intertwined, and the figure of the zombie slowly appeared!
Unlike the previous zombies, there are other monsters mixed in here, but the level is not high!

And the big boss zombie that Nalan Yue thought would come out did not appear!
Then the last wave doesn't look so difficult to fight!

At this moment, every plant is starting to take its place, watermelon, pea, and Yumantian are hitting the zombies!
But... Nalan Yue couldn't help squinting her eyes, these plants didn't seem to be of any use to the monsters!
It seems that the zombies can shoot through the plants, but the monsters have to deal with it by themselves!

Since this is the case, it is just right for her to practice her skills, and by the way, let those who always think that she is relying on luck and cheating open their eyes wide and quietly!

Sister will always rely on strength!

In the frenzied battle between the plants and the zombies, Nalan Yue had also flashed to the middle of the lawn.

There were only a few monsters in total, but the moment they saw Nalan Yue coming, they seemed to smell the scent of people, and they all attacked Nalan Yue crazily!

Nalan Yue stood alone among the plants, these ferocious monsters were reflected in her clear eyes, she was not in a hurry, nor in a hurry, nor in a hurry!
Compared to Nalan Yue's calmness at this time, the audience outside the arena were all sweating for her!

"This trash is now facing an inhuman monster... Let's see how she fights this time!"

"That's right, it seems that the level of these monsters is above the intermediate level, and those who do not have the strength above the warrior level are looking for death!"

"Haha... Anyway, no one can die here, let's just wait for that trash to be sent out first!"

Everyone's taunts were overwhelming, and Nalan Yue on the screen had already launched an attack!
The small dagger was held in the palm of his hand. Ye Jin took the small dagger to refine it before, but it was postponed for a few days because the competition was approaching!
Just in time, the little dagger returned to her hand, and the dagger that glowed with cold light caught off guard and pierced into the forehead of a monster in front of her!
Immediately, the huge Warcraft died!
Nalan Yue couldn't help bragging about the little dagger, it's really weak, my sister hasn't hit enough yet!

"Come together!" Nalan Yue sneered and looked at the few remaining monsters. To be honest, a mid-level monster versus a martial artist... Quack, it's like an egg hitting a rock!
Kill you in seconds!
The few remaining monsters couldn't help trembling, and looked at each other... Just as they were about to fight, the ground suddenly shook!
The violent movement made people subconsciously associate it with an earthquake!

Those monsters seemed to sense some terrible danger, and they ran away in an instant!

The audience outside the arena suddenly became dissatisfied... They complained one after another!
"Did you make a mistake, why did you run away again!"

"Didn't you see that Nalan Yue just killed a monster with a single blow!"

"'s just luck, otherwise how could she have killed an intermediate monster!"

"Makes sense..."

Anyway, no matter how Nalan Yue proves that she relies on her strength, everyone still has to misunderstand her!

(End of this chapter)

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