Chapter 461 Zombie King (2)

Anyway, no matter how Nalan Yue proves that she relies on her strength, everyone still has to misunderstand her!

But these are not important anymore, what is important is that the ground shakes violently, and the coming audience is in danger!

Nalan Yue's heart tightened all of a sudden, but her mind was still calm. If she guessed correctly...the next one should be the Zombie King!
Damn, if this is really the case, then why is she still standing there in a daze, she must immediately deploy a new defense!

Turn around and leave the lawn quickly. At this time, there are no zombies on the lawn, and the attack power of the remaining broken plants is not as high as before!
So Nalan Yue mercilessly eradicated them all!
All kinds!One after another, new plants were placed on the grass, all of which were the most advanced ones in the plants!
At this time, the rumbling sound like thunder was getting closer, and Nalan Yue looked up and saw a huge zombie carrying a car that looked like nothing else.

That rumbling sound came from this dilapidated car!

Before Nalan Yue recovered from this weird car, the zombies inside the car had already fired!

"Bang -" deafening sound!

The large area of ​​plants on the lawn suddenly decreased by half!
Oops, Nalan Yue hastened to plant plants again, but the Zombie King's missiles are really too powerful!
It was almost a large plant that could destroy her!

It's horrible, Nalan Yue secretly gritted her teeth, but the corners of her eyes were scanning the rows of plants. When she saw the frozen mushrooms and hot peppers, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration!
Quickly collected the sunshine again, first bought a frozen mushroom and threw it towards the zombie king—"Swoosh!" The mushroom was really thrown there by Nalan Yue, and it was headshot!

The word "perfect" instantly appeared in the air!

The original arrogant zombie king was also frozen in this one, and its missiles could not be launched!

Well, now it's time for the hot peppers!

Nalan Yue waved his hand, bought another hot pepper, and threw it at him again!
"Hula la..." The hot peppers exploded in an instant, forming a row of gorgeous fire snakes, which complemented the blue ice cubes!
Sure enough—the Zombie King's health dropped by half!
But at this time, the freezing technique and the hot chili had lost their effect in an instant, and just as Nalan Yue was about to attack as before, the zombie had already summoned its disciples and grandchildren!

Little zombies are laughing and falling from the sky, gnawing on plants, and stealing plants!

And the zombie king's missiles shot out again, "Bang——" The plants were hit hard again!
Nalan Yue had to stop attacking the zombie king first and replenish the plants first, otherwise these little zombies might break through the red line!

And once she breaks through the red line, she will be eliminated from the competition, which she absolutely does not allow!
At this moment, Nalan Yue's mind is running fast, just like a sophisticated computer, planting plants with the fastest speed and path, and the launch time of the Zombie King missile!

She has to take advantage of the moment when the Zombie King launches missiles to fill up the plants, or else even if she fills up the Zombie King's missiles, she can destroy a large area of ​​her plants again!

So one word - "Quick!"

Plants must be grown as fast as possible!
Nalan Yue galloped up and planted while buying plants.

(End of this chapter)

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