Chapter 462 Zombie King (3)

Nalan Yue galloped up and bought plants while planting them. Little Phoenix and Xiaobai are connected with their masters, so they are also trying their best to irrigate the sunflowers so that they can produce more suns!

It was the perfect cooperation between them, so Nalan Yue had already patched up all the plants in an absolutely limited time!

The first row is still nuts, but this time they are all high-end nuts, the kind with helmets on their heads!
The defense power is ten times higher than ordinary nuts!
The second and third rows are pitchers and cannons!
The fourth row is sunflowers!
The last row of Nalan Yue has all been replaced with small carts, and small carts are also available, but the sun needs more!
Everything is ready, and the Zombie King's missile is about to launch in an instant—a "whoosh"!
The menacing missile collided with the frozen mushroom, and the missile froze in mid-air in an instant!

The zombie king in the car seemed to have a brain, and was about to release a second missile immediately, but Nalan Yue would not give it another chance!
"Swish, swish!" Nalan Yue threw ten of the frozen mushrooms and hot peppers in one go!

"Bang——" The huge explosion sound was stronger than every time it came before!
Sand and soil suddenly floated around, and a circle was drawn with the four-shaped car as the center, forming a gray vortex!
When everything slowly returned to calm, Nalan Yue discovered that the zombie king's car had been blown up!

Well, not even a shard left!
"Ahhh...", the zombie king was so angry that his chest was hammered, and his eyes that had no eyeballs looked even more eerie!
The huge soles of the feet rushed towards Nalan Yue like the wind, not those crazy plants, obviously jealous of her for destroying its car!
The Zombie King is actually equivalent to a high-level Warcraft!

But Nalan Yue is at the level of a three-star martial artist, so it shouldn't be difficult to deal with him, but the difficulty lies in this - while fighting her, this shit summons countless little zombies to eat plants!
Now Nalan Yue has to take care of both ends, but she can't be divided into two!
But the only consolation is that the Zombie King's HP is not much left after her previous toss!
The Zombie King has already launched an attack. Although he is fighting Nalan Yue with his bare hands, what's worse is that he will release little zombies!

Nalan Yue laughed out of anger, and directly took out a handful of poisoned silver needles!

The zombie king was still clumsily growing up and biting Nalanyue, but Nalanyue easily dodged behind it, and shot it directly in the back of the head with countless silver needles!

Immediately, the Zombie King was stunned for a moment!
The good thing is that in this short period of time, Nalan Yue once again filled up the plants that had been almost gnawed by the little zombies!
Turning around, seeing that the zombie king hadn't slowed down, he stabbed it directly in the brain with a small dagger!

To be honest, if the enemy is evenly matched, she is still willing to fight with her strength!
However, the enemy is also very shady!
So it doesn't matter what the morals of the rivers and lakes are, whether you practice your hands or not!
Hit the shit out of you directly!
The sharp dagger was about to pierce its brain and heart—but at this moment, a zombie that was hanging from the sky to steal plants accidentally blocked the knife for the boss zombie king!

"Pfft!" With the sound of piercing into the flesh, the unlucky little zombie who was about to steal it was shattered into scum!

Nalan Yue was annoyed for a while, Shet, such a good opportunity came with a "shield"!
(End of this chapter)

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