Chapter 464 Crazy Mode
The hot peppers and frozen mushrooms that Nalan Yueyan was looking forward to had been defrosted!
Immediately overjoyed, he hurriedly bought two plants, "Whoosh!" They all fell on the zombie king!

The clean and neat movements are not sloppy!
The Zombie King was hit in the head and froze in place. The frozen mushroom quickly froze him from head to tail!

The hot peppers also exploded at the same time—"Bang!" The fire snake was wanton, and the sound was shocking!

The zombie king was instantly surrounded inside!
Finally, the zombie king turned into a ball of powder in a spark, and disappeared immediately!

The progress bar showing it's life also turned to zero, then slowly disappeared!
The clumps of zombies that were summoned slowly dispersed...

"Huh—" Nalan Yue couldn't help taking a deep breath, the damned zombie king had already died, so these little zombies who were still gnawing on plants in the lawn naturally had nothing to fear!
Take the first two steps to replenish the plants, and now there are only three or five little zombies left on the lawn!
In less than a while, two of them were hung up. Just as Nalan Yue was waiting for the task to be successfully completed—there was a burst of alarm sound in the space, "Crazy mode is starting!! Players, please pay attention!"

Nalan Yue suddenly shuddered, the zombie king had already died, how could he turn on the crazy mode?

But now she couldn't care less about this issue, her eyes immediately scanned her surroundings, and Nalan Yue gritted her teeth secretly!

The little zombies summoned by the zombie king should have retreated, but now they swarmed up again!
The sky darkened, and suddenly the wind was surging!

Then there was a drizzle of drizzle, which got bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a storm!

The raindrops fell with a crackling sound, causing pain to the human body, and the plants were also devastated!

Among them, the sunflower is the most difficult. Although it depends on the watering of spiritual energy to produce sunlight, the premise is that it must be in sunny weather!

Little Phoenix and Xiaobai are still trying their best to send their aura to Sunflower, but no matter what, Sunflower can no longer produce sunshine!

Nalan Yue didn't let the two of them waste their spiritual energy, and quickly raised his hand to put the two little guys into the space.

Now the crazy mode is on, so there is still a little sesame time to prepare!
Nalan Yue glanced at the screen, there are tens of thousands of sunlight accumulated on the screen, it is estimated that... it can last for a while!
No matter, now I can't control so much, Nalan Yue clenched her fists, and helplessly eradicated a few sunflowers!

You must know that they are useless at the moment, and if they can't produce sunlight, they won't let them occupy a place!
After shoveling, Nalan Yue made a quick calculation and planted the plants in the most reasonable way.

Without the support of a lot of sunlight, it is like a shrunken wallet. You have to think carefully about everything you buy!
All kinds!Grow plants!
The neat rows of plants have just been planted, and the army of zombies has come over there!

Although they are all small zombies, there are too many of them, and the dense crowd looks disgusting for no reason!

The audience outside the stadium were shocked...

"Damn it, what kind of luck is that trash, it actually inspired the crazy mode!"

"Haha...don't stop me, I just want to laugh at her hard now!"

"Wait for the zombies to flatten her plants..."

(End of this chapter)

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