Chapter 465

"Wait for the zombies to flatten her plants, buy aggressive plants without sunlight, and see how long she can last!"

Although the audience has never played this game, some key points can still be understood. At this time, everyone is discussing and complaining with relish!
The big screen naturally gave close-ups without exception!

As a result, the other 29 people were ignored by everyone at this time!

Maybe it's also because Nalan Yue's levels are so creative!

In the level, waves of zombies hit like a tornado!
The plants felt a strong sense of crisis, and tried to spit out various plant bullets one by one!
"pupupu..." The sound of plant bullets!

After the next wave of zombies is down, there will be a new wave to make up for it!
But... Nalan Yue couldn't help but frowned looking at the plants, and hurriedly added the plants that had been gnawed off by the zombies!
But if things go on like this, sunlight is the first shortage, and there are too many zombies, and the attack of plants is too weak!

So once this is clarified, the key point appears-how to improve the attack of plants!

Nalan Yue's brain, which is comparable to a computer, doesn't stop thinking for a second, and she also wants to plant plants by the way!
Typical dual purpose!
A flash of spiritual light suddenly flashed in his mind, and it flew by quickly but was caught by Nalan Yue!

But right now...a little zombie had attacked the moment Nalan Yue caught the aura, and the plants in front had been gnawed off!
Now it has come to the fourth row, and the last row is the trolley!

Fortunately, none of the carts were damaged!

This sloppily dressed little zombie was holding a green pea shooter and gnawing on it, the pea shaking its leaves in pain.

Use all the strength of your life to spit out plant bullets!

Nalan Yue's pupils shrank when she saw it, she must know that if the pea shooter is breached, then the small cart can kill this little zombie!
but!And after that!

So the most important thing right now is to stop it!
Nalan Yue hurried over, walked behind the pea shooter, raised her hand, and sent her aura to it!
The previous inspiration was to convey spiritual energy. Since sunflowers can do it, so can these plants!

During this period, Nalan Yue was slightly nervous in her heart, because she didn't know whether sending aura to the aggressive plants would increase their attack!

Now I can only give it a go!

Sure enough——Nalan Yue was pleasantly surprised, the original pea shooter directly changed from one plant bullet to three!
"Tug..." It kept shooting at the little zombie that gnawed on it!
With three or two blows, this rampant little zombie was defeated, turning into black smoke and drifting away!
This is simply fantastic!
The aura at this time is like energy beans, blessing the attacks of the plants!
Seeing more and more zombies gathered, and fewer and fewer plants... Nalan Yue called out Xiao Fenghuang and Xiao Bai again!

This time even the little dagger was used, and each of the three little guys had a plant, and the spiritual energy was irrigated!

"Thumbs up..."

The plants also died crazily, spitting out bullets of various plants desperately!

And it's still going on!
Nalan Yue's side is also the same, controlling a plant and sending spiritual energy to it!
Rows of plants look like cannon barrels at this time, and no matter how many zombies there are, they will be forced to move forward by the bullets flying all over the sky!
(End of this chapter)

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