Chapter 466 Foul

Nalan Yue played vigorously inside, and the spectators outside and the referees all sighed for a while!
"No still play like this!"

"It was agreed that the zombies will eat all the plants. Why are there fewer and fewer zombies? The strangest thing is why the plants are suddenly attacking so violently!"

" look, is that aura fluctuations!"

"It seems, it seems to be! She is sending spiritual energy to the plants, so the plants are so crazy!"

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh)

The audience finally discovered that there was aura in Nalan Yue's body, and they also saw her tactics!

Naturally, the people inside couldn't hear the outside voice, but they could hear the inside voice clearly!

The zombies were forced to stay outside the lawn, and it happened that Nalan Yue took advantage of this time to patch up the plants again!
"Tud chug..." A new wave of attacks, at this time the number of zombies has become less and less!

It is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye!
Soon, a big sun slowly rose in the sky, so bright it was dazzling!
The little zombies seem to be afraid of the light, and their walking steps are getting slower and slower. Coupled with the chug of bullets, it is even worse!

Now that the sun is out, sunflowers are naturally useful!
Nalan Yue glanced at the lawn, with the support of spiritual energy, now only one shooter in each row is enough, but just in case, Nalan Yue still planted all the lawns!

After shoveling down a few plants, Nalan Yue planted sunflowers casually and watered them vigorously. After a while, the sunflowers produced a large number of suns!

And at this time—there were still a few little zombies struggling to die, Nalan Yue sneered, and directly bought a hot pepper and placed it between the lawns!
Inexplicably turned on the crazy mode, already aggrieved, and now naturally will not be soft!
"Bang—" the explosion sounded!

With a fiery red light, all the zombies turned into black smoke at this moment!

There was silence all around. Without zombies, the plants would have no targets to attack, and naturally they would no longer spit plant bullets!
Nalan Yue exhaled lightly, while looking suspiciously at the quiet space, she was a little uncertain in her heart, shouldn't she have completed the level?
Why hasn't the system appeared yet? !

Just thinking about it, a machine-like synthesized voice appeared - "The task is completed, the plant wins, and you will get two sunflowers as the most reward, but you made a foul, so the reward will be halved!"

foul?Nalan Yue was stunned for a moment!
Did she even commit a foul?
"Could it be because I used a small dagger..." Nalan Yue looked up at the system and said subconsciously.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case. She just hit the zombie king with a small dagger, although she didn't kill him, but immediately started the crazy mode!

What a thrill!

I thought it was just talking to myself, but I didn't expect the system to answer her, "You are right, the level is Plants vs. Zombies, so using weapons is a foul!"

The corner of Nalan Yue's mouth twitched suddenly, well, this time it was a dark loss!
If the little dagger killed the zombie king, she wouldn't be so upset. The problem is, the zombie king was unscathed and she fouled because of using a weapon...

So much so that the two sunflowers that were supposed to be rewarded turned into one!
(End of this chapter)

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