Chapter 489 What's Inside the Door (4)

The person behind, who immediately went to choose his own door, was a slender young man.

It may be because of Nalanmo's experience of being kicked out first, so the teenager was a little nervous at this time, and the hand leaning on the door was shaking all the time.

The door was slowly pushed open again...

Inside is still a vast expanse of white...

The boy finally breathed a sigh of relief and stopped walking in!

I thought the door would gradually disappear like those few people before.

Unfortunately not!
Everyone was wondering—"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Accompanied by the terrified roar of the young man, balls of heat gushed out from the door!

"No—" The young man was instantly surrounded by a group of fire snakes, and the fire all over the sky was like a sunset with blood, it was really frightening!
The people present were astonished!
He had already walked inside the door, so how could he be ejected?
In front of his eyes, the boy was quickly swallowed by the fire snake, and he was thrown into the sky with a "swoosh", and he didn't know where he was!
What's even more amazing is that the fire that everyone saw has disappeared at this time, and there is silence in the secret realm.

Quiet as if the scene just now was just dazzling!

At the same time, let everyone understand that it does not mean that the door is safe, and it may also be accompanied by the danger of being kicked out!
Nalan Yue, who was silent for a long time, couldn't help squinting her eyes, it seems that this "door" is not so easy to enter!
But the more it was like this, the more curious Nalan Yue was about it... The adventurous idea in her heart was aroused again.

The game is still going on...

At the same time, the audience outside discovered that the boy thrown by the water snake was not teleported out like that.

It is estimated that it was sent to the devil level that the system called!
In other words, Nalan Mo was the first one to be sent out, oh no, the third one!

But at least the prince and his sister were sent out because of that kind of thing, while Nalanmo was actually sent out because of the game.

And was "humiliated" by the system!
Thinking of this, the way everyone looked at him changed... sympathetic and sneering.

Just like how he looked at Nalan Yue before!

Nalanmo was so ashamed and angry that he wanted to kill him with a piece of tofu!



on the screen

The game is in progress!
Perhaps it was all infected by Nalan Mo's bad luck, and each of the contestants in the back encountered various obstacles like a plague god possessed!
For example, the unlucky boy just now was sent flying by the door!
There are also those who were smashed away by the stones inside the door, and those who were blown away by the super big fan... Anyway, only you can't think of anything that can't be done inside the "door"!

Especially now the boy who just opened the door—"Hula la..." The north wind hit like a tornado, and the boy was instantly dumbfounded.

Before he could react, his whole body was blown away!
And it looks cool!
The clothes look cool, especially the hair seems to have its own static electricity, the whole body is erected like a hedgehog, and the mouth and nose are also blown out of shape!

He is currently estimated to be the worst one!
Hahaha... Everyone laughed unceremoniously.

Nalan Yue also covered her mouth and snickered, really doubting that this man won't be called a fool!
"Whoosh—" it was blown away again, and the tenth-level gale finally subsided.

Now there is only one person left who didn't choose the door, no, no, if you count Nalan Yue, it's still one person.

The last one is a girl who looks very arrogant, but Ma Ma told us not to judge people by their appearance, so we are still tentative about her character!

(End of this chapter)

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