Chapter 490 Toxic Fog City (1)

The last one is a girl who looks very arrogant, but Ma Ma told us not to judge people by their appearance, so we are still tentative about her character!

The girl held her head high, but her chest was flat, at least in Nalan Yue's eyes!

Although she was walking confidently, her palms were still cold, and she was afraid that something like that would happen to the few people in front of her.

Ignoring Nalan Yue and walking towards the remaining door, she just closed her eyes and went blind!
The door was opened, and there was silence. Just when the girl was rejoicing—the door suddenly spoke!
Well, yes, you read that right, the door is talking!

It said, "little girl, do you dare to promise me when I call you?"

All of a sudden, there was complete silence all around!

Nalan Yueye's brain also paused for half a second, what the hell?

Don't wait to come up with a grandson, a grandson or something!
Ahem...Of course it's impossible to have such a big brain hole!
The girl had obviously never encountered such a situation before, so she replied subconsciously, "Of course I dare! Well, I'll do it!"

As if she was afraid that "the door" would not understand, she even went out of her way to explain it!
Nalan Yue suddenly felt a little speechless, she always felt that this "door" was playing tricks!

And also to deceive those ignorant girls!

"Fool!" Men arrogantly cursed, and then suddenly sucked the girl in like a vacuum cleaner.

The girl screamed, "Ah!"

"Bang!" The door closed and slowly disappeared. No one knew what happened to the girl who was sucked into the door!
Now Nalan Yue was the only one left with no choice in the game.

Nalan Yue rolled her eyes lightly, her legs were about to walk towards the remaining door.

Before she lifted her foot, the door in front of her disappeared automatically, turning into a transparent color little by little.

Then it disappeared completely!
I rely on!Nalan Yue's eyes widened, what about Sister Wan?

Suddenly the system appeared, "Your reward!"

Nalan Yue was startled, before she could recover, a "door" suddenly appeared in front of her eyes!
The golden gate is covered with exquisitely carved patterns, and even the handle is beautiful!
The thirty gates before were suddenly set off incomparably shabby!

Could it be that she should enter this super-exclusive and luxurious "door"?
Nalan Yue thought to herself, but the system had already started counting down "five...four...".

Nalan Yue's eyelids twitched suddenly, and she realized that she really wanted to enter this door, the "door" opened for her by the system herself!
Cough cough... It really seems to be "going through the back door" ha!

Putting your fingers on the doorknob and turning it, the door opened with a "ding".

Just like before, it was a vast expanse of whiteness that people couldn't see through!
Swallowing her saliva, Nalan Yue directly raised her leg to enter inside, and the door was closed with a bang!

In an instant, darkness struck in front of her eyes, even her mind was rustling, and the feeling of fainting rushed to her heart, Nalan Yue managed to stabilize her mind.

Going through the back door asshole, would it still be so painful if you go through the back door!

Nalan Yue couldn't help but want to complain, she bit her lower lip tightly, the pain made her mind clear.

The line of sight gradually became in focus, Nalan Yue squinted her eyes, and immediately froze in place!
Damn, what's the situation?
The sky was surrounded by black mist, and she couldn't see her fingers with her hands, but Nalan Yue could vaguely see the outline of a city.

(End of this chapter)

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