Chapter 491 Toxic Fog City (2)

The black mist was caught off guard and inhaled into the mouth and nose, and Nalan Yue immediately felt that it was poisonous, and it was also a highly poisonous gas!
He hurriedly blocked his breath and swallowed a few pills that could detoxify, and looked around with some doubts in his clear eyes.

This time the checkpoint is...poisonous?
She doesn't believe in rewards anymore!It's all a lie!
A system voice suddenly sounded in the space surrounded by black mist, "The mission will appear soon!"

Nalan Yue looked up subconsciously, and a text suddenly appeared in front of her eyes - "Remove the poisonous smoke from the city of death!"

Immediately after the voice fell, several bottles and jars fell, and Nalan Yue immediately reached out to catch them.

"This level is limited to half an hour!"

Nalan Yue twitched her lips and looked at the medicine bottles in her hand, and then raised her eyes to see the black mist in the sky. Can this little thing remove so much poisonous mist?
Isn't this a joke!
Nalan Yue deeply felt at this moment, this is not going through the back door, it is clearly a red light!
Letting out a breath, he still picked up a few small bottles in his hand. Since it was issued by the system, it means that these few medicines can indeed remove the entire poisonous mist!

Squeeze the bottle tightly with your fingers, there is no sign about the potion inside, it seems that you have to think about it yourself and then configure it!
Thinking of this in my mind, my hand has already moved, I pulled out one of the medicine bottles and sniffed it lightly at the tip of my nose, a faint fragrance immediately penetrated into my nose.

Nalan Yue could immediately determine its composition and medicinal properties, it was just an ordinary antidote.

Picked up a second bottle again, same result!
The third bottle is still the same!
Most of the five bottles in my hand are like this!
Nalan Yue couldn't help sighing, the potions in five-finger-sized bottles all had the same potency, no matter how they were configured, they weren't all the same!

It's really going to make it difficult for her, a poison doctor who plays with drugs!

But it was such a problem that deeply aroused her desire to explore. Standing up, she couldn't believe that she couldn't solve the poisonous fog!

Nalan Yue carefully observed the black poisonous smoke in front of her eyes. It was thick and accompanied by a pungent smell, like a roll of cotton candy!

It's like... like it's wrapped in something!
Wrapped in what! ?

Nalan Yue was immediately startled by her own thought, no, it's impossible!

Although she retorted in her heart, her curiosity still made her reach out and grab into the black mist!
A dense layer of sweat could not help but appear on the smooth forehead, and the seemingly invisible mist was actually caught in the palm of Nalan Yue's hand.

Nalan Yue stared in astonishment at the poisonous mist that was tightly grasped in her hands. Damn, I can really grasp it!

The black mist was soft, and when Nalan Yue pinched it hard, something hard hit her palm.

A dark light flashed across her eyes, she immediately spread her palms, took out tweezers, pliers, scissors and other things to dissect the black mist.

Soon, the thick black mist was sliced ​​away bit by bit, revealing a bright red fruit inside the pitch black——cherry!
Uh... don't say Nalan Yue was surprised, the audience outside thought it was too weird!
Squeezing out the little cherry, Nalan Yue immediately noticed the difference, it can only be said that it looks like a cherry, but in fact it is not the kind of cherry that can be used for food at all!
Cherry, antidote potion?
Nalan Yue was thinking about the connection between these two things in her mind, she couldn't believe that these two things had nothing to do with each other!

Perhaps the key point is here!

 and also……

(End of this chapter)

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