Chapter 493 Guarding the Farm (3)

There are a few small houses in the distance, a hunting dog is lying there lazily, and there is a clear fish pond where small fish swim happily.

If she didn't know that this was in the imperial city competition, Nalan Yue would have thought that she had accidentally crossed over to the QQ farm!

This picture is exactly the same as the farm!

Nalan Yue was still in a daze, the system had quickly given the task, "Guard the plants in the farm until they mature!"

"Uh..." Nalan Yue raised her eyelids as if she didn't understand, her heart was full of doubts, could it be so simple?
It wasn't just Nalan Yue who was suspicious, the audience outside exclaimed as if they were blown up!

"Although the games are all designated by the system, I still want to question whether there is really no cheating?"

"Oh my god, this level is so simple that it makes me want to cry!"

"Let's look at the other contestants, which one is not bloody!"

Especially a few people who were kicked out of the game because they didn't complete the task, they almost knelt down when they saw such a simple task given to her by the system.

It's that simple!
Green light all the way...

On the screen, Nalan Yue was already walking towards those plants. When she walked in, she realized that each of these plants had a progress bar hanging above their heads!

Represents their maturity!

At this point their progress bars are all zero!
And there are a total of sixteen plants in total!
The farm was quiet, except for the croaking of frogs and the snoring of hounds from time to time.

It doesn't seem to be dangerous!

But Nalan Yue's heart did not relax because of this. You must know that calmness is often only a precursor to the storm.

Besides, although the task assigned by the system is to protect the plants and let them grow safely, is it really that simple?

The night is slowly falling... The stars in the sky are twinkling, and the fireflies with small lanterns are flying around.

The scenery is so unimaginable, I wish I could live here forever!

Nalan Yue sat casually on a wooden chair in the farmland, looking up at everything around her.

To be honest, this kind of scenery seems to be poisonous, making people addicted and gradually forgetting their own situation...

The four words made Nalan Yue's heart startled, and she immediately thought of a possibility, maybe these things were designed to confuse the contestants' minds.

In fact, everywhere is fraught with danger...

Before Nalan Yue wanted to play completely, there was a violent noise from the other side of the pond!
"Bang—" The water splashed fiercely, and the little fish that were originally raised in the pond were immediately threatened.

Nalan Yue's eyelids twitched immediately, although she didn't know if the light rain would have any effect, but she always felt a little obedient watching the fish being eaten like this.

He hurriedly got up and ran over, only to find that it was a piranha flower half the height of a person that made the noise when he got to the river!

There is a row of tooth-like spikes growing on the bright red flowers, and it looks especially scary when it is sucking something in the water with its head down!
Suddenly, it raised its colorful head, holding a pale pink kissing fish between its sharp teeth!

The little fish got out of water and got into someone else's mouth, and immediately struggled pitifully.

It was about to be swallowed by the giant piranha!
Nalan Yue immediately took out the small dagger...

(End of this chapter)

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