Chapter 494 Guarding the Farm (4)

Nalan Yue immediately took out the small dagger, and flew towards the man-eating flower with a movement of aura - "Zi" the small dagger stabbed at her sharp teeth.

There was blood all of a sudden, and the unsuspecting piranha let out a scream, and the poor little fish let go of its mouth, and fell into the pond again!

The piranha shook its petals in pain, and at this moment realized that the person who attacked her was the person in front of her!
Immediately, he rushed towards her with teeth and claws, and a strange cry came out of his mouth.

Nalan Yue's face was calm, her arm wielding the small dagger was very flexible, every move and every style was attacking the deadly part of the piranha!

Her moves are crisp and neat, without any fancy or sloppy moves!
This is also the close combat she is best at in modern times!
Even though she can't use elements temporarily, such tricks combined with aura are very useful, and every move is amazing!

A fusion of various martial arts, it can be said that she created it exclusively!
In front of him, the piranha was killed by Nalanyue before he could withstand three moves!

"Stab—" it cut open its head, and took out the magic crystal inside very skillfully.

Although it was a bloody scene, she was extremely calm, and there was not even a trace of fluctuation in her eyes.

Her appearance surprised the audience outside the arena. Even a big man would be a little turbulent in such a scene, but the girl on the screen is so calm and outrageous!
Especially those moves she swung before!

So amazing!

If they were still trash like this, then they should all be part of the army of trash!

Many people turned their heads and asked Nalan Jue curiously—"Master Prime Minister, I can't see that your useless daughter is well hidden by you!"

"Why do you call it trash when you are so good?"

"Ha, she is much better than the pair of sons and daughters born in your royal family... It's a pity, she wasn't your own!"

"Haha... That's right, Prime Minister, where did you bring the little girl from!"

Hearing what he said earlier, Nalan Jue felt a little relieved and blissful, but when he got to the back, his face immediately sank.

He looked at the wonderful and gorgeous girl on the screen in a trance, not knowing what he was thinking.

The eldest lady next to her was hugging a pair of humiliated children, her face was filled with viciousness and jealousy.

How could the damned little bastard be able to practice suddenly!

On the screen, Nalan Yue had already taken out the magic crystal of the piranha, and the crystal blue magic crystal had a strange luster.

I can't see that the piranha is so ugly, but the magic crystal inside is quite beautiful!

Nalan Yue hooked the corners of her lips, but the screams of Little Phoenix and the others came from the space, "Over there, a lot of piranhas are attacking, too bad... the plants are about to be eaten!"

Nalan Yue was taken aback, quickly put away the magic crystal, and hurried towards the farmland!

Dozens of horrifying piranhas were already dotted around the farm at this time, and each one of them wanted to eat plants with their big mouths!
Nalan Yue's eyes immediately burst into a cold light, this is related to the plants in her competition, there must be no difference!

The small dagger "swish" and shot towards the piranha like a dart.

Perfect headshot!

The piranha was immediately stunned in place, while the other piranhas were still frantically rushing towards the plants.

It is still very difficult for Nalan Yue to kill them with one move!
(End of this chapter)

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